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Go-Pro for hunting?

Gun Jammed

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I had one and sold it buying instead a canon to film hunts. Due to its fisheye lens, you need to be really close to see the subject on film. 20yds looks like 100yds on that cam. I understand it can be corrected through editing but I never went that far as I didn't consider it ideal for filming hunts. It is a cool cam though.

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While I have a Contour and not a GoPro, I see the problem the would be the same for both. The fisheye lens is one issue. The other is that when we shoot, our heads and bodies are usually pointed at a 45 degree angle away from the subject so the camera is also pointed at a 45 degree angle when we shoot. You can fix that if you attach it to your weapon (bow or firearm) but that means you have to constantly be pointing the weapon to film.

That said, I have seen some great footage from people who have successfully filmed their hunts with a GoPro so they might know more than I do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I thought it'd be awesome but like it was mentioned everything looks to far away. Fine for self shots. I had a few videos but can't find them. This is one I did. First target is 15 and the second 20. In the end I opted to not even bother. Wasn't worth the bulk.

This was with the head strap mount

Edited by Belo
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