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Gov. George Pataki

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This is probably all you have to know about Pataki:




Pataki Signs Nation's Strictest Gun Controls

Published: August 10, 2000


At a place best known as a scene of random, irrational violence, Gov. George E. Pataki today signed into law the strictest gun controls in the country.

The governor presided over an emotional ceremony at the Merillon Avenue train station, a few yards from where Colin Ferguson fatally shot six people aboard a Long Island Rail Road train almost seven years ago. A crowd of gun control advocates, state legislators of both parties and people who have lost spouses or children to gun violence cheered as Mr. Pataki put his signature on a bill that many of them said they never expected to see enacted.

Alfredo Valentin has campaigned for gun controls since his son and a friend were shot to death in the Bronx six years ago. His voice choking, he said, ''Maybe, maybe today I have meaning.''

Mr. Pataki said of the new law, ''We hope this serves as a national model. We hope other states follow.''

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I would not be surprised to see Pataki as the Republican nominee. He is the typical candidate that the Republicans usually manage to put forth. Always seems to wind up with a choice between the lesser of two evils. I have not had an opportunity to become excited about a candidate since Reagan and before him it was Goldwater. The rest have been warmed over libs who spoke a good conservative line, who never walked the walk.

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I doubt Pataki could win the republican nomination for President.


As far as his term as Governor of NY.  He's as conservative a Governor that this state will ever elect.  Astorino won't be as lucky.  Who was the last conservative elected Governor here?  Teddy Roosevelt??  Even he would be considered FAR from a conservative by todays standards.  Actually his love of hunting might be his ONLY qualification if todays conservatives were to grade him by todays standards.






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I would not be surprised to see Pataki as the Republican nominee. He is the typical candidate that the Republicans usually manage to put forth. Always seems to wind up with a choice between the lesser of two evils. I have not had an opportunity to become excited about a candidate since Reagan and before him it was Goldwater. The rest have been warmed over libs who spoke a good conservative line, who never walked the walk.

The nation does not need someone on the far right or far left. We need someone who will compromise and bring the parties together to get sh!t done.

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Compromise gets things done, but the results suck!  


Compromise on gun control just gets us more control and we're supposed to be happy they let us keep a few.


There are certain things that should never be compromised, like Liberty, Constitutional Rights, Freedom and War.


I want elected officials that respect the Rule of Law in America and do what's best for the country and it's future.  Nothing more, nothing less.


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I don't want them to get anything done.  Every time they do they just screw the rest of us.  I'd like to see a mandatory sunset on every law passed so they'd need to revisit it every few years and reenact it if it was any good instead of just piling more on top of ones we already have.  If it wasn't working it could just expire.  Then maybe they'd earn their money instead of trying to come up with stuff to justify their wage.


Course, I also don't think a politician should be paid enough to make a living at it.  Should make just enough to cover the time they actually spend in Washington working.

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The nation does not need someone on the far right or far left. We need someone who will compromise and bring the parties together to get sh!t done.

Oh my gosh, there's that word compromise ....lol. That is code for dilute. Everytime I hear the term "moderate", all that comes to mind is some wishy-washy politician who does not have the courage of his convictions and doesn't want to be identifiable as having any attachment or association to any direction whatever. And as far as "getting things done", there has been way too much that has been "gotten done". It really is time to start "undoing". A little bit of Conservatism would be a good direction to at least try for a while.

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