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Trail Handgun

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There are probably many definitions of what a trail gun is to different people. For me it has always been some kind of small compact light weight easy carrying gun to have on me just in case of whatever when I am out and about in the outdoors. I got to thinking about one of my favorites when I made a post in the Catfish thread fishing the Black River outside of Dexter. We used to fish off the bank setting up on large table sized flat rocks, and underneath and between those rocks it was alive with huge water snakes. When the sun warmed things up those Anacondas would crawl out from under those rocks and warm themselves, one minute you are alone the next you have a four and a half foot snake sitting next to you giving you the eye.. Back then I owned a little S&W model 34 with a 2 1/2 inch barrel and would have it on me many times when fishing, half the cylinder was loaded with rat shot which worked real good on those snakes and also on those big eels we would catch fishing. They would come in all balled up on the end of your line and would actually try to bite you when removing them off the hook. A load of rat shot in the head and they would straighten right out.

The 34 has long been gone, dealed away on some kind of gun trade, another one of my bonehead moves as I really wish I still had it. I have a few handguns that still work as a trail gun, a Sig 938, a S&W 2213 Sportsman and a Charter Arm Bulldog, all are in the low 20 ounce range and carry nice. The Bulldog is my favorite because being a revolver I can load some chambers with rat shot. Still I would like to get my hands on another small revolver chambered in 22, I am looking!;)



Edited by airedale
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For many years my favorite woods carry along was a petite little .22 Erma Excam semi, a PPK knock off. It was reliable, and I practiced with it alot. Due to it being so easy to carry, reliability and appropriate accuracy, it was my primary concealed carry for decades. But I literally wore it out to the point of it going burst fire on me! Oh well, it was gracefully retired. 

A few years back I picked up a Harrington and Richardson Sportsman with a 3" barrel. It is about the same size as the Erma and I actually carry it in the same holster. It is reliable, but so small it takes a carefull grip. It is appropriately accurate, and I now carry it frequently when woods bumming, I am not one to worry about who or what I will bump in to. I am out there enough that I know what is, and it aint...squat (or squatch), and any two legged concerns I will see and avoid long before I see them. For years I craved a Smith kit gun...but they go for a fortune. 

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Trail gun ...for me  is pretty much going to be a revolver.  I have a 45lc ruger bisley blackhawk convertible. It's a real critter getter. Now if you want the pea shooter I have single 6 convertible  that's more than enough  for snakes  and loaded with 22 mag will put a hurt on some of the bigger two legged  snakes.

I waited to long I guess, but I thought a happy medium and almost purchased a ruger in 327 federal.  

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I have got my eye out for a small light weight revolver with adjustable sights chambered for 22, due to the huge variety of ammo available to shoot adjustable sights are imperative for me. It does not have to be anything fancy as I do not view a trail gun like a match gun. One that I really like a lot is the old Charter Arms Pathfinder with a 3 inch barrel, if I could find a nice used one I would snap it up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

2213!    Should never have sold mine, though I probably wouldn't have used it much. Sadly I sort of  inherited a 422, and it didn't make sense to me to keep both at the time.  Now however, the paltry amount of money is inconsequential.   

A couple years ago I bought a High Standard Sentinel for about twice what it was worth, in part because I was always curious about them, but also as a bring along woods gun.  Unfortunately it shoots way too high to be useful for what I'd hoped to use it for (squirrels).  I'd sell it to you for a token amount, but it wouldn't do you any good either. lol 


Edited by cas
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  • 4 weeks later...

After 3 weeks of a personnel problem at the handgun permit office I finally got the Pathfinder on my permit and got it home. Pretty much the same feel as my Bulldog but I like the grips and sights more, soon as I get some decent weather I will hit the range and sight her in.



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