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Trespassers now can be fined via DEC


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I heard from someone yesterday and do not know how valid this is but was told that if you have a trespasser on your property and you call the DEC they will come and give the person a ticket and fine and they must pay the landowner/land leaser the fine personally.  Something like a ticket that has to be paid by a date or they can be arrested. Any body know anything about this or is it BS?

Edited by nybuckboy
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I actually just called the DEC and spoke with an officer who stated to me this: If the landowner wants to file a complaint of this trespasser then this person will be issued a ticket to appear in court and can be fined. He also stated that if the person is on the property and you call the DEC and the officer comes to the property to meet both of you there, then a ticket can be issued on the spot if you want to press charges. He also stated that if you get a back tag number or vehicle license number, description of vehicle and a picture of vehicle is even better then they can use that to issue a ticket if you press charges. I also asked him if this was something new and he said no it has always been that way. 

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nothing new, trespassers always had a chance to be ticketed if caught and the landowner wanted to press charges. If issued a summons, they have court appearance dates and usually if the person fails to show up for court, a warrant is issued for their arrest. The fines go to the State.

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This is off topic but thought I would share.  I was at traffic court this week, every time the judge stated the fine he would say.............   the fine is 100 dollars and Cuomos cut is 93 dollars for a total of 193.  When a couple people complained he said to them I recomend you contact Cuomo and file a complaint. 

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