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Weird new years dream


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Started off at loading docks at some place that was attached to a ship. Garage style doors you pull down with a chain and all. The seas picked up with light green 5' waves crashing into the bays. Doors woulnt shut all the way so the Cheif called down and said tberes an override switch in the galley. Yeah, the kitchen. So off I go through the catwalks like something out of call of duty into the galley, only theres not one but three unlabled switches. So I volunteered 3 guys and we managed to get the doors shut while sliding around the garage bays In salt water and oil. Then the Cheif says to get some dry clothes and take a rest. Scene switches to my cabin I guess but its 3rd person view. People are talking about getting something done dont know what because im wrapped up next to my bunk on the floor in my sleeping bag with a pipe wrench and a shotgun. My ex wife was there, topless.

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