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NY Senator wants to ban machetes.....

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Any site that discusses white issues is considered racist by Progressives.  There is a huge double standard in America about race issues and what is deemed racist.  But since it works in favor of the Progressive agenda, it's a good thing, as far as they're concerned.



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Funny how posting insults about "liberals" & "progressives" is civil but when the tides are turned it's chatacter assasination & attacks.



Actually, most often what is posted are facts about Liberals and Progressives.  It can't be helped if those are insults.

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Any site that discusses white issues is considered racist by Progressives. There is a huge double standard in America about race issues and what is deemed racist. But since it works in favor of the Progressive agenda, it's a good thing, as far as they're concerned.

I think the same about many non white agendas/groups too, just fyi.
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Prove your accusations. I know this request goes counter to the liberal approach, but give it the good 'ol college try anyway.

Virgil did that so I dont need to repeat it, and vjp admitted he linked a site he didnt know the background of and thanked him for the education. Silly, especially for vjp.

Care to post your credentials Papist? Cant answer that can you...dont keep your word? Shows who you really are imo.

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Linking racist sites proves you cant find any other place that projects the ideals you believe is true. What does one draw from that? That you believe in racism? Support a racist agenda or site? Im asking in all honesty. You at the very least can post reasonable links and responses often, but that specific effort was out there.


There is an old saying about assuming things.  Linking a site PROVES something?  You are obviously not a lawyer with a concept of what constitutes proof.  Why would you be so quick to extrapolate assumptions about anyone's beliefs based on a single post about an issue, especially when it is posted for discussion?  To be honest with you, I believe your judgement is clouded by your personal bias.


Like I said before, not one person ever addressed anything in the article.  If it was racist, it should have been very easy to show how it was.

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There is an old saying about assuming things. Linking a site PROVES something? You are obviously not a lawyer with a concept of what constitutes proof. Why would you be so quick to extrapolate assumptions about anyone's beliefs based on a single post about an issue, especially when it is posted for discussion? To be honest with you, I believe your judgement is clouded by your personal bias.

Like I said before, not one person ever addressed anything in the article. If it was racist, it should have been very easy to show how it was.

Perception is reality vjp. You linked to a site that promotes european lineage and it widely regarded as racist. What else can someone draw from that?

If one linked to a nazi site to prove a point, does one not draw the conclusion that that person linking believes or supports nazi ideals? I believe most people would think that person does support nazis. Thats not a leap of faith or assumption. Fact is that person posted a linl to a questionable site suppprting such. Ig you dont agree with the sites ideals you shouldnt be furthering that group by linking it elsewhere on the web and spreading its message for them. You are supporting that site by doing so. You are also the company you keep...thats another saying.

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I am asking you to be man, stand up and show us why and how I am a racist, as you have claimed me to be today, in more than one comment (Irony with the name calling there) . I will deal with Virgil another time.

Go on, be a man and put your money where your mouth is.

What the hell are you talking about Papist? Where did I ever say you were a racist? Re read the posts Papist and you will see the "racist" component was directed at vjp linking the radix site, and im not calling him a racist at all, merely asking why he would link to such a site and what that projects.

You need more coffee this morning. Why dont you apologize for misreading? Lol.

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Truth is truth, no matter who, or what group reports it.


Argue with the published report, rather than attack someone for airing it.


That's suppression of ideas at it's worst.


One could make a case that banning machetes is racist if one cares to stoop low enough to further their agenda.  But I think the facts about the issue would prevail in the end.


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What the hell are you talking about Papist? Where did I ever say you were a racist? Re read the posts Papist.



Phade, you have my apologies on this one. I see you were referring to VJ  in those posts. It was the 'lumped-in' nature of the writing that caused me some confusion.



See, I am happy to be wrong and make it known that I am wrong when it has been shown to be the case. 

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Truth is truth, no matter who, or what group reports it.

Argue with the published report, rather than attack someone for airing it.

That's suppression of ideas at it's worst.

One could make a case that banning machetes is racist if one cares to stoop low enough to further their agenda. But I think the facts about the issue would prevail in the end.

I dont necessairly agree on all points vjp. Truth from a site such as that, that isnt propogated anywhere else, belies the message that it might be truth only in the heads of those who seek to believe that sites ideology. If it were truth, it floats to the top eventually, but nobody else seems to have furthered that message specifically.
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When I was a boy I went to a restaurant with my uncle.  One look at the menu's prices and my uncle said he wanted to leave.  The waiter came out of the back, came over to take our order and my uncle got up politely saying we decided we weren't going to stay after all.  The waiter was black.  My uncle was labelled a racist.


The moral of the story is, if you don't know for a fact someone is a racist, you do yourself no justice by accusing them of being such.  Perception is reality to those who don't take the time to live in the real world.


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I dont necessairly agree on all points vjp. Truth from a site such as that, that isnt propogated anywhere else, belies the message that it might be truth only in the heads of those who seek to believe that sites ideology. If it were truth, it floats to the top eventually, but nobody else seems to have furthered that message specifically.


Political Correctness has a way of preventing truth from being discussed.



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Great another link I have to unsubscribe to. 


Simply put just like when the assault weapon ban came out and EVERYONE purchases one and now EVERYONE has an illegal gun.  Now they will all have illegal machetes.  Wonder how many will turn in the machete they purchases, lol.  Just like all the people who turned in the illegal guns, but wait we don't have any stats on that because so few did.  I feel so much safer now that everyone has an assault weapon in the house and now will have a machete.


Glad I am not a door to door salesmen!  OK back to your internet arguments, proceed now that I don't have to listen.



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