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How to lose your guns


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I don't have the time, desire or need to read this entire thread.....but yes, if you do something stupid with a gun, you may deserve to lose the right to own one, Constitution or not.......I know many say that owning a gun is a God given right, but I can't find that anywhere in the Bible...nor can I find proof that God even exists...enjoy.

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I don't have the time, desire or need to read this entire thread.....but yes, if you do something stupid with a gun, you may deserve to lose the right to own one, Constitution or not.......I know many say that owning a gun is a God given right, but I can't find that anywhere in the Bible...nor can I find proof that God even exists...enjoy.

If you was to read the thread more people agree on mentally ill and Criminal's should not have a gun. BUT yes if your mentally ill or used a gun in a crime than you should lose your Right BUT with due process by the law.

Now Your looking in the wrong book if your in the bible,The wording God Given is used as a figure of Expression by some yes. Your Freedom to believe is your right, and that's in the same Constitution that protects you to write your comments here. US History 101 is the book you want to pick up, a lot of our history is being forgotten.

Edited by Huntscreek
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Hang in there JJ and keep an open mind.  Someday God may pile some proof on you when you least expect it.  Hearing about it and reading about it just is not the same as seeing it with your own eyes.  I was nearly blind and am now almost 20/20.   It took nearly 50 years and a good amount of proof (as you have read a little and commented on in some of my other posts) for me to buy the whole Jesus story.   


Also, in that dog attack, I don't think a relatively silent crossbow would have been effective at turning the dog around before it got some teeth into me.  I have one other little tip I learned recently that may help some home-owners who are being harassed, specifically "barked at" by their neighbor's dogs.   My brother-in-law lives in a fancy sub-division down in VA.  He is military, semi-retired and his next door neighbor's leave their dogs out all day, contained by an "invisible fence" that runs between the two properties.   Every time they went out in the yard, the two big dogs would bark at my brother-in-law and his family and guests.   He is quite tech-savy and was able to locate a device that emits a signal, very painful to dogs, at a frequency outside the range that the human ear can detect.  The dogs don't bark anymore, and their owners are none the wiser.  You might say they were given a little "attitude-adjustment".  


A dog's ears are extremely sensitive.   While that may help the canine catch prey, it also opens them up to pain far greater than humans would experience from a loud, high-frequency sound.    If you are having problems with neighbors dogs crapping on you lawn, I would think this same electronic device, hooked to a motion sensor, would be a very effective deterrent.              

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UP Date....for those who my have doubted I found out today at lunch..this is all over a human page..with the dogs pics...they played for autopsy...police charged him with a felony and misdemeanor...after he alluded them until Saturday. He refused to speak without his lawyer. The dog was also shot in the gut...go to the face book page to read more.

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UP Date....for those who my have doubted I found out today at lunch..this is all over a human page..with the dogs pics...they played for autopsy...police charged him with a felony and misdemeanor...after he alluded them until Saturday. He refused to speak without his lawyer. The dog was also shot in the gut...go to the face book page to read more.

so is it safe to assume that the fact that he left the dog to suffer played as big or a bigger part of the charges he is facing then just the shooting of the dog alone?

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I'm not sure..I am not on face book so can not view the page..though when I did a search..came across "police indicted on felony animal cruelty. after shooting dog while responding to a burglary call"...So even cops need to be aware....

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Well just now channel 13 had the story on and interviewed the dogs owner...tried to interview the shooter but he would not answer door...felony charges hang over his head....news said he shot dog for soiling his yard and destroying livestock....though that never came up until after the arrest...face book blew up over this I guess.

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If it turns out that the dog was destroying livestock, the end of this story may turn out quite different from what everyone apparently hopes. However, the burden of proof of that now shifts to him. He had better be able to come up with some pictures or livestock carcasses or some such evidence.

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No Doc...That is what he said after he found out how much trouble he was in. Yes the real story will come out in court. Where he will have to show evidence of injured or dead livestock...mind you from the day of the shooting...That will also have to be evident in the dogs autopsy.

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So I just found out that this is been in the news papers 2x and now 13...only because they hounded her to do the interview. All the facebook petitions and such have been the result of the person shown in the picture nose to nose with the dog, another neighbor . So after eluding police for a week they are at his house and he claims the live stock along with "pooping"...they ask to see said live stock and he hasn't  got any signs he ever had live stock...ooopppss...That is in the police report. The DA's office has been receive lots of letters and calls pressing for the maximum on this  and no deals the guy is 68yrs old...and I sorta feel bad for him in that they have given out his address and now what his house looks like...There are some crazies out there besides him and starting to get I'll quote this "uncomfortable"

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If it turns out that the dog was destroying livestock, the end of this story may turn out quite different from what everyone apparently hopes. However, the burden of proof of that now shifts to him. He had better be able to come up with some pictures or livestock carcasses or some such evidence.


totally agree. But sounds like it's bs.

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Again the police report and this is what they will be testifying to...along with the other neighbors...The guy owns NO livestock...he did have chickens 10 yrs ago but stopped raising them when a weasel got them and later a yote finished off the rest...10 yrs ago..As I said Other neighbors were the ones that got this train screaming down the tracks,as it were.


I have not read the news reports in the papers

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I sure hope that if charges can be brought against the dog owner, that they are...regardless of the shooter's story or defense.


I don't know if there are leash laws that apply, but I'd say that since this "supposedly" isn't the first time the dog got out, that she should be cited for neglect or animal welfare related charges.

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Animal neglect in this state would have to show an animal in distress,under weight,ill no water or food in inclement weather no housing...the dog, as one could see in the multiple pictures shown was none of those...BTW the pictures that were shown, were all shot by the other neighbor that routinely played with the dog and gave him treats. There was never an issue from the other neighbors concerning the dog.... No reports,complaints,calls to the dog warden. The fact the guy foolishly claimed to officers of livestock issues,  as they stood on his property ...with absolutely no livestock or sign of any.  Shows pretty much, a guy who just lost his nut and did a bad thing in the moment and is paying for it dearly...years ago that dog was a country road dump that she nursed back to health and kept..remember this was an older dog..for his pups are 8yrs old...never an issue with any neighbors...Also remember AFTER shooting him..he called to  her  at work to get him to the vet with a bogus story...then called again and offered to take him to the vet...without telling her how serious it was and she was already on the way...That speaks volumes as to what happened.

Edited by growalot
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REGARDLESS the thread title is "how to lose your guns"....it is a heads up to the SSS crowd...that within a very short span of time that has ended..they will bring out dogs to find a cadaver,autopsies will be ordered and FELONY charges laid down...Cops saying" the livestock thing is bogus and doesn't fly you can't have a couple of chickens and claim livestock" Those days are gone and the ASPCA police are hard asses with great funding...You'll not only lose your guns and face charges but social media will smear you from one side of the COUNTRY to the other...Your life will be public knowledge.

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Animal neglect in this state would have to show an animal in distress,under weight,ill no water or food in inclement weather no housing...the dog, as one could see in the multiple pictures shown was none of those...BTW the pictures that were shown, were all shot by the other neighbor that routinely played with the dog and gave him treats. There was never an issue from the other neighbors concerning the dog.... No reports,complaints,calls to the dog warden. The fact the guy foolishly claimed to officers of livestock issues,  as they stood on his property ...with absolutely no livestock or sign of any.  Shows pretty much, a guy who just lost his nut and did a bad thing in the moment and is paying for it dearly...years ago that dog was a country road dump that she nursed back to health and kept..remember this was an older dog..for his pups are 8yrs old...never an issue with any neighbors...Also remember AFTER shooting him..he called to  her  at work to get him to the vet with a bogus story...then called again and offered to take him to the vet...without telling her how serious it was and she was already on the way...That speaks volumes as to what happened.


An animal that routinely gets out and the owner doesn't prevent it is pee poor ownership. I hope they slap the cuffs on her for leash law or any applicable other law. 


Let's face it, the guy that shot the dog, if all is true as is reported, should be held accountable. That said, the dog owner has a degree of responsibility in this - and I strongly hope she has charges pressed against her if that is true. I believe you said that this isn't the first time the dog has gotten out, but maybe I am wrong. A owner is not providing safe and secure housing if the dog gets out routinely. If she was a responsible owner, that dog would still be alive.

Edited by phade
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REGARDLESS the thread title is "how to lose your guns"....it is a heads up to the SSS crowd...that within a very short span of time that has ended..they will bring out dogs to find a cadaver,autopsies will be ordered and FELONY charges laid down...Cops saying" the livestock thing is bogus and doesn't fly you can't have a couple of chickens and claim livestock" Those days are gone and the ASPCA police are hard asses with great funding...You'll not only lose your guns and face charges but social media will smear you from one side of the COUNTRY to the other...Your life will be public knowledge.


Do we really want the guy who is shooting pets to keep his guns? this is what blows my mind. It's a privilege to own a gun. Prove you can't do it safely and you shouldn't have them. That simple. Those who do irresponsible things with their guns make all of us look bad and impact all of us.

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It's a privilege to own a gun?


That is absolutely false.  A privilege is something granted by government that can be removed by government.  A RIGHT is a much stronger legal standard.


Authorities can create rules and laws that could make anyone a violator of a law infringing on a right, ex: where your right to own a gun can be removed, after due process has been afforded. But it is still a RIGHT that can only be removed after due process of law.  That's exactly the issue with the SAFE Act.  It's too easy for peons like Cuomo to violate individual Constitutional rights without proper legal process.  But, those violations can be challenged in court as unconstitutional and overruled.


A privilege can be removed for absolutely no reason at all, without any amount of due process, because it's something granted without you having any right to it.  If gun owners start to think of their gun rights as privileges, they will be less inclined to challenge unconstitutional infringements they are subject to.


I believe it is extremely important for all gun owners to understand this.  They misunderstand this at their own peril.


Edited by Mr VJP
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Cops saying" the livestock thing is bogus and doesn't fly you can't have a couple of chickens and claim livestock" Those days are gone and the ASPCA police are hard asses with great funding...You'll not only lose your guns and face charges but social media will smear you from one side of the COUNTRY to the other...Your life will be public knowledge.

See, there is the thing that makes me a bit uneasy. Basically they are saying that you never have a right to protect your own critters on your own property from dogs that have callously been turned loose on the neighborhood. I don't care if we are talking about a pet chicken or your own pet dog or any other critter that relies on you for its welfare. Worrying about what is legitimately called "livestock" evades the point that anything on your property should be safe and able to be protected against outside forces. And that should pertain whether that item that you are protecting is a "couple of chickens", your pet wiener dog, or even your goats. You should have the right to use deadly force on any critter that has invaded your property with the intent of doing harm to any critter in your possession or under your care. And when your life can be turned upside down for doing so, something just ain't right and needs fixing.

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Cops saying" the livestock thing is bogus and doesn't fly you can't have a couple of chickens and claim livestock"

Were there chickens in this case, or did you mean that as a general statement? Either way, I would disagree. If the person in question had even ONE chicken that the dog attacked, a statement regarding the dog attacking his livestock would be completely true. (Whether the shooting was justified is a separate issue).

Those days are gone and the ASPCA police are hard asses with great funding...You'll not only lose your guns and face charges but social media will smear you from one side of the COUNTRY to the other...Your life will be public knowledge.

Unfortunately, this is true. Much like any political scandal... if you have the money and can get media outlets on your side, you can spin an argument for or against anyone. Folks like us never get to hear the full story. We only get the pieces they dole out.

If someone shot a dog of mine, there would be hell to pay. At the same time, the shooter would have to be on my land shooting the dog in my presence. Just like when my kids were young... my animals are not allowed to wander into places where they can cause a problem.

On the surface, this guy is wrong. Should a 68 old guy do serious jail time for shooting a dog? I think that is a stretch. A civil suit is a better option in my opinion. Should he lose his right to own guns as a result? Hopefully a fair investigation/trial will bring out all the facts.

We only know the surface of it. Just like the hoodlum who, once killed, magically becomes an "A" student with a "bright future" this dog apparently is featured in "cute" pictures online while certain groups spin the story to tell us who was wrong and who was right. We just don't know. Right or wrong, I bet this story has legs because it is popular to trash all us "red neck, gun-toting crazy people" and it helps the message of anti-gun groups.

I'm not condoning the shooting of someone else's dog. Just pointing out that social media can be nothing more than an uniformed (or manipulated) mob.

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