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Neurotic dogs


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I love my Angel... and she is a fearless protector..that said...I sit hear typing this withher in my lap . Shaking like a leaf, hugging my ,whining non stop, and panting  like mad. she has begun terrified of the weather and gun shots.




A family member had a golden terrified of thunder... they literally found it after work firmly lodged in the basement  floor trusses...He was kept in the basement because during storms he would fling himself through the nearest window and run till he dropped.

 Do you have such a dog?


Should I now be worried...she hates the tub...storms nasty and I hear scratching from the bathroom...I go in and find....

Edited by growalot
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Grandparents had a 80 lb German Shepard that would jump in your laptop at the first crack of thunder.

Real fun in August without air conditioning.


My dog will watch fireworks from 1 mile away, anything closer, she is shaking like a leaf and looking for someone to protect her.  She is very nervous in thunderstorms, tends to hide under blankets if she can get into a bedroom.

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I had a shepard/husky mix many years ago that would leap into the air to catch fire crackers. She also liked to retrieve rocks thrown into Lake Ontario, and she learned how to turn a doorknob so she could 'let herself out'.

She once brought home the baby Jesus from the manger scene of the church next door. Not one of the wise men or one of the animals from the scene but the leading man himself. The priest laughed when I humbly returned the figurine.

She wasn't neurotic, just flat out crazy and way too smart for her own good. :rolleyes:

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Our golden is scared of thunder and even rain. He jams himself into the tightest spaces to get away from it.

Lately, our Brittany has decided he hates the sound of the dishwasher, throughout the entire 90 minute cycle. We discover if we turn on a fan nearby, he calms right down.

Neither dog wants to be consoled, just shake and hide or pace around constantly.

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