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Rochester Gun Show

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a tip for deals is to go sun afternoon lots of times they won't wanna load everything back up and are more willing to deal from expierience

Been there , done that and it has never worked for me . I wanted an inexpensive 22 for shooting chucks around sheds , barns , etc and had a Marlin M60 in mind . The gun dealers wouldn't budge to less than $135 . I bought that rifle at WalMart for $105 ,

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The ammo prices were almost downright funny at some of the tables.

I was looking for a taller bipod for my varmint rifle, the only one I saw was $60, and it wasnt a swiveling one. I went to Gander later and got a swiveling bipod brand new for $50.  ::)

Some of those guys think everything they have is made of gold lol.

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