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They Won't Come After My Hunting Guns ..... WRONG!!!

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Here you go hunters , Skeet / Trap users ..   





While the measure is aimed at owners of assault rifles, the language contained in the draft legislation would also affect owners of handguns with much smaller capacities, such as six-shooters. Since the measure would cap the amount of ammunition to no more than twice the amount of the capacity of the weapon every 90 days, these gun owners would be limited to buying a dozen bullets every three months.   "


I Don't think it will stop here ...



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Just the fact that its being talked about is pure BS.These people wont be happy till all guns are gone.....I take that back they will never be happy for anything because they will move onto their next agenda.The stupidity of the people that believe this is astonishing.The fact that things like how many cars,booze,gas or cigarettes you can buy isn't on the list but guns are tells you one thing,They don't give a shyt about you or anyone because any one of those things kill more people than guns doIm not for banning or limiting anything in life,if you're a functioning member of the community and not a POS that feeds off anyone then you should be able to drive what and where you want,smoke and drink as much poisons as you would like and shoot as much ammo as you want.

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I saw that proposed legislation.


So let me get this right.


A semi automatic with a 10 round clip can purchase 20 rounds per month for 100 rounds in 5 months.


A high school target shooter with a single shot target rifle can purchase 2 rounds per month for 10 rounds in 5 months.


Now a standard 22 target includes 10 bulls eyes with one or two sight in bulls, so assuming he starts off blind and hopes he is sighted in...


a high school (or other match shooter) can complete one match target in 5 months.


The semi auto has 100 rounds by then.  


Does that accomplish what they intend??????


Don't jump on me, I've nothing against semi autos (I have both pistol and rifles) and disagree with the proposal as much as you do, just trying to show how silly the thing is.

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a high school (or other match shooter) can complete one match target in 5 months.


The semi auto has 100 rounds by then.  





If the end game is have a populace unable to fight government tyranny, then yes, this achieves that goal.One of the comments below the article says it all:


All but the most limited of sporting arms are illegal in Paris, yet terrorists have military weapons and explosives. They're not worried about terrorists - they use terrorism to attack US. They are REALLY STRESSING about US having semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines. They want to look at us and see an easily controlled helpless citizenry that they can trample upon and piss off without fear of consequence! Looking out and seeing a sea of citizens armed with AR-15's WORRIES THEM! The point of the second amendment is that they ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WORRIED and see us as a deterrent to tyranny!



Edited by Papist
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You know, there was a time when I would have said exactly that about the NYS Safe Act. I take nothing for granted anymore.


The two legislators who are sponsoring this bill, admit that the bill is ambitious and say it is a starting point for discussion and negotiation. They themselves don't even believe it will pass as written.  

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I would ask them, "Why are you wasting our time and money?"


They are doing what they believe benefits the constituents  of the high crime district they represent, that is how the narrative goes anyway. On the other hand, an anti gun stance might yield endorsements and/or contributions from anti gun organizations, especially if they are proactive and habitually introduce gun control bills.


Doc is right though, these bills can gain traction. But what exactly does the OP want the owners of hunting guns to do? And what action is he taking?  

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I hope you guys realize the only way they could even make this law work, is by knowing exactly what firearms you own.  If you think they aren't pushing for complete registration of all firearms and their owners, you're naive or in denial.


That is exactly the purpose of "universal background checks" too.  It can't work without total firearm registration.


Why is registration a bad thing?  Registration leads to confiscation, and it always has!


Unless you are a voter in the district these anti-gun tyrants represent, there is nothing you can do to them.


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But what exactly does the OP want the owners of hunting guns to do? And what action is he taking?  


Join every pro gun organization you can.  Stop voting for anyone who doesn't support the 2nd Amendment.  Stop thinking anti-gun laws that don't affect you personally are OK or justified.  Stop thinking certain types of compromise with the anti's is good.  Stand up against any and all infringements on your rights without fail!


The government is not your friend, and any anti-gun elected official is your enemy!

Edited by Mr VJP
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Join every pro gun organization you can.  Stop voting for anyone who doesn't support the 2nd Amendment.  Stop thinking anti-gun laws that don't affect you personally are OK or justified.  Stop thinking certain types of compromise with the anti's is good.  Stand up against any and all infringements on your rights without fail!


The government is not your friend, and any anti-gun elected official is your enemy!


YEP!!! that's it :)

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I saw that proposed legislation.


So let me get this right.


A semi automatic with a 10 round clip can purchase 20 rounds per month for 100 rounds in 5 months.


A high school target shooter with a single shot target rifle can purchase 2 rounds per month for 10 rounds in 5 months.


Now a standard 22 target includes 10 bulls eyes with one or two sight in bulls, so assuming he starts off blind and hopes he is sighted in...


a high school (or other match shooter) can complete one match target in 5 months.


The semi auto has 100 rounds by then.  


Does that accomplish what they intend??????


Don't jump on me, I've nothing against semi autos (I have both pistol and rifles) and disagree with the proposal as much as you do, just trying to show how silly the thing is.


Nope .. Double the guns capacity every 90 days  ... so that's 4 rounds every 3 months if your loading your over under for skeet ..  ... that's how silly this is and where it could end up if we ALL don't get on the same train and stop this nonsense.



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