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Why I stopped watching...


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The News...Ironing I put the news on this morning.

Weatherman: talking about wind chills. Town-feels like -1...Town-feels like -3...Town 0,feels like NOTHING.

Reporter:reporting on snow conditions driving. Lights out over part of 390 @ 5am...So dangerous "Hope Your Head lights are working for the road is dark here.WTH yep because all roads going to Rochester for commuters have over head lighting.She seemed to go on and on about it...

Probably just me, but seriously some seem to just talk to take up time and for "professionals" sound ....dim.

The worst is deaths ,accidents and murders: Geneseo 3 tragic deaths.Murder/suicide. Already reported yesterday who,where,when and why. Today breaking news.Really?!They are dead where do you pull "breaking news" out of that! Give those 3 devistated families a break! Freaking move on,who cares what their coach think,that's not breaking news.Give memorial info and shut up already!

Well there's my rant...I'll turn on Netflix next time I iron....

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OMG...I almost forgot this gem...reporter...upon questioned Sheriff's state no charges will be filed! WTH! It was a murder,suicide!Who did you think they were going to charge?

Incredible anyone even bothers to go into broadcast journalism...if what we see now can even be considered journalism. Smacking people over the head relentlessly with sad, depressing stuff. As you say, leave it alone after a couple days. 

And just give us the weather...don't try to scare us...we know how to drive in the white stuff...

Melanie Pritchard, who was a news broadcaster in Buffalo, got out of the business due to the stuff she was told to report...the deeply sad stuff, etc. She went into real estate and is now enjoys what she is doing now.

Yep, funny how "reporters" report on how dark it is at night and that your headlights outta be working...lol 

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