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Glimmer Of Hope


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I have only been able to really scout an area about 4 times, and it was looking bleak at best.

I took a drive this morning just to check a few of the open areas and small fields near the land. I actually saw a few turkey entering the woods heading towards a small swamp.

It didn't get my heart racing as I only saw 3, but it gave a bit of hope to an area I was ready to give up on.

At least I know there are a few in there now for sure. Just hoping there's a tom in the mix.

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Don't sweat it; where there's hens, there will be a Tom at some point. 


If you locate a Tom now, who knows where he'll be in 2+ weeks?  Yea, riding around and glassing CAN'T hurt but if you have an area where birds have been spotted in the past, it's always worth a hunt.  You NEVER know if and when a gobbler will show up.

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Don't sweat it; where there's hens, there will be a Tom at some point. 


If you locate a Tom now, who knows where he'll be in 2+ weeks?  Yea, riding around and glassing CAN'T hurt but if you have an area where birds have been spotted in the past, it's always worth a hunt.  You NEVER know if and when a gobbler will show up.

Yep. I agree.


I have no idea why I even went. I ate breakfast and thought, "The heck with it, I think I'll take a drive.". It payed off. I will try to drive past that area again on Saturday around the same time again. That will most likely be the last scouting I get in. If I get another day I will put boots to ground and look for a nice spot to set up. 

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Yep. I agree.

I have no idea why I even went. I ate breakfast and thought, "The heck with it, I think I'll take a drive.". It payed off. I will try to drive past that area again on Saturday around the same time again. That will most likely be the last scouting I get in. If I get another day I will put boots to ground and look for a nice spot to set up.

Set up what?

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The only problem is if you see birds from the road so has someone else... 3 weeks to go all it takes is 1 careless person putting boot on the ground and being a bit careless and the birds will shift or become silent.. imo turkey put up with less than deer do in a natural enviroment.

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The only problem is if you see birds from the road so has someone else... 3 weeks to go all it takes is 1 careless person putting boot on the ground and being a bit careless and the birds will shift or become silent.. imo turkey put up with less than deer do in a natural enviroment.

 True, but that goes for seeing or hearing them night before opener as well. The only guarantee in hunting anything is there is no guarantee, especially on public land. That's what makes it fun.

Edited by ....rob
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ROB----with the coyote population explosion----you will need to hunt the wetlands. Get in there and find some higher and dry areas that you can set up in. There are alot of turkeys-but they are changing and increasingly are staying in these wetlands and keeping quiet about it!

Is that a documented behavior, Bill? I'd love to see the research.

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Skillet and Bill, please take your pzzn match to PM or another thread. Thanks!




I was able to get boots to ground today, switched a Dr. appointment to next week. I came in from the back side of the swamp and looked around. I didn't find any scratching on the ground to show they are looking for food, but I did locate a few scat piles. It's not looking like there are a ton of birds in there, but now I know for sure there are a few. Good enough to keep my interest in the area.

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Hey there skillet---I am hoping that you strike out in your quest for 2 longbeards this Spring!!

LoL, I wouldn't shoot 2 birds even if I had the chance.   

Skillet and Bill, please take your pzzn match to PM or another thread. Thanks!




I was able to get boots to ground today, switched a Dr. appointment to next week. I came in from the back side of the swamp and looked around. I didn't find any scratching on the ground to show they are looking for food, but I did locate a few scat piles. It's not looking like there are a ton of birds in there, but now I know for sure there are a few. Good enough to keep my interest in the area.

No pissing match here, Rob. I was just looking for info on an interesting post. Apparently I won't be getting it. ????

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Might be time to stay out of the spot, rob. Seeing birds isn't necessarily a good thing, because they almost surely saw you, & it is getting to the point you really don't want to be bumping them.

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