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An honest assessment of Islam

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I have a daughter that is 15. I have had to confront two teachers during her stint in public schools for just such BS. They are being paid to teach ...not push their views. The first was a speach during a history class and they were studying the industrial revolution. The topic of unions came up and the teacher's views went way beyond any instructional value. The second was during the last election and imagine a political speech and indoctrination taking place in Earth Science.

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Teachers should be monitored to insure they are teaching students HOW to think, not WHAT to think!

If they are into brainwashing, they should get washed out of the profession so they can join a cult that pushes that agenda.

Part of this country's economic and political problems stem from misinformation planted in the minds of college graduates who bring socialist and communist ideas into the work place when they get hired.

They believe they need to force change on everything.  They have no idea how many problems change can create if it isn't productive change for the good of all.  They never see the failure of a bad change implemented and prefer to find a reason to blame someone else for it's failure.  Either that, or they want the failed change to be even more forceful and oppressive, claiming the one implemented wasn't severe enough to work right!

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Have any of you guys given any thought as to why these countries hate us so much? Do you really think America is so super nice to them and has not given them reason to hate us? If the tables were turned and a foreign country occupied our soil all of us would be doing some nasty stuff to defend our own turf would we not? We as a country have a habit of not leaving people alone and then complaining when they turn out to hate us in return. I completly understand why we are over there but some times it seems like our troops would be better off some where else....like Mexico or our borders. War is big business.

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Teachers should be monitored to insure they are teaching students HOW to think, not WHAT to think!

Isn't that the parents job? You can't possibly entrust your children's future and way of thinking in some one else. I know its easier to stand and point fingers but really it is all in how a child is raised to begin with.

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In most cases we are asked by the country to do something about whatever is happening there...Countries hate us because of our freedom... the people hate us because their government won't let them be like us and the governments hate us for showing the rest of the world that freedom works...In less than 200 years we progressed past every country in the world in technology and wealth... even countries that have been around for thousands of years.. thats why they hate us.. but not to worry... if the liberals have their way we will slowly regress backwords to meet back up with the countries we have surpassed

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Wealth of the people or wealth of the country, obviously our country is in debt way over its head and so are most of its people. The wealthy 1% sure is wealthy though. America is like a freind you let crash on the couch, we don't know when its time to move on. I wish we would stay out of some of the stuff we get involved in and let the bastards fight amongst them selfves instead.

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you and me both... obviously we should have been taking care of things at home or we wouldn't be in this mess now... For me... I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks of the US.. It's because of us that a lot of those countries aren't speaking German right now.. especially France!!

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I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks of the US.. It's because of us that a lot of those countries aren't speaking German right now.. especially France!!

that may be true.  but, if not for the french, we'd all have british accents.  maybe it's time to realize that it is us who have fallen behind.  the world no longer sees us as the leader they did fifty years ago.

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Teachers should be monitored to insure they are teaching students HOW to think, not WHAT to think!

Isn't that the parents job? You can't possibly entrust your children's future and way of thinking in some one else. I know its easier to stand and point fingers but really it is all in how a child is raised to begin with.

Actually, it is the parents job to instruct their children in the ways of society.  Morals, religion, culture, family values, work ethic, abortion, adoption, freedom, patriotism, hunting, gun ownership and even fishing are all solely the parents area of instruction.

Educators are needed to teach Math, Science, English, Spelling, analytical thinking, etc.  All things that are required to turn out a well educated American.  Factual things that are necessary skills to survive in the world.  Things that require a practiced system of problem solving and conclusions.

What happens in college, and even high school today is, educators encroach on the parents area of teaching and tell the students their parents are wrong, they are stupid, they lied to you, and we are smarter than they are.  We are superior in our views.

Since the students look up to teachers as leaders, they will often adopt their views to emulate them and get a good grade.  They may also turn against their parents and all of their family's values, causing a breakdown there and psychological confusion for the youth well into their years.

This was the process practiced by the Communists during the Cold War years.  It was so effective, children even turned their own parents over to the secret police to gain approval from the state.

Observe the massive rise in Charter schools, private schools and home schooling in America now.  All signs of parents not being happy with state educators.

We see a lot of graduates in America with degrees in Sociology, Psychology, English Literature and various Liberal Arts areas.  These areas of study leave lots of room for indoctrination into the Leftist manifesto.

One degree that is very lacking from colleges today, and has a high demand in the teaching profession is History.  It's not the realm of the Liberals that were raised in the 60's, lived a totally bohemian lifestyle and eventually moved into and dominated higher education in America.  They always seemed to have an aversion to capitalism, free enterprise and hard work anyway.  Now they are passing their beliefs on to our children and grandchildren with total disregard to their upbringing and their parents wishes.

So I guess it boils down to, parents should teach their children what to think.  Educators should teach their students how to think.  And that is how it should be.

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Teachers should be monitored to insure they are teaching students HOW to think, not WHAT to think!

Isn't that the parents job? You can't possibly entrust your children's future and way of thinking in some one else. I know its easier to stand and point fingers but really it is all in how a child is raised to begin with.

I agree is is my job...not the teachers job.....they should have done theirs and left mine to me. ;)  not trying to over ride what I instil

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I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks of the US.. It's because of us that a lot of those countries aren't speaking German right now.. especially France!!

that may be true.  but, if not for the french, we'd all have british accents.  maybe it's time to realize that it is us who have fallen behind.  the world no longer sees us as the leader they did fifty years ago.

TO be accurate teh current form of French Govt did nothing to assist use. Their King did though ;)

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We see a lot of graduates in America with degrees in Sociology, Psychology, English Literature and various Liberal Arts areas. 

I have a stack of resumes that are a foot high full of BA's in liberal arts and even Masters.....all for adminstrative assistant jobs at $10-12 and hour....money very well spent on an "education"

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  maybe it's time to realize that it is us who have fallen behind.  the world no longer sees us as the leader they did fifty years ago.

That's BS.

LOL...we do agree on some thing Arrow ;) ...that is BS.

And let's go one step further. dump all the foreign aid...today...not a freaking cent more. let them see who they think is in the lead then ;)

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we do agree on some thing Arrow [img alt=;)]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/wink.gif[/img] ...that is BS.

And let's go one step further. dump all the foreign aid...today...not a freaking cent more. let them see who they think is in the lead then [img alt=;)]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/wink.gif[/img]

are you serious?  do you really think that we aid foreign countries for entirely altruistic reasons?  we only aid countries where we have a financial or strategic interest.  if we cut off aid and destabilize these parts of the world, we will suffer.  who would you like to cut off aid to?

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Virgil....take a run down this list...look at all the ones that run their mouths about how Bad and evil we are...then look at the list of countries that I really can't think of as serving any purpose for us to contribute to. They are numbers from 2008 which are teh latest I have ever come across


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Virgil....take a run down this list...look at all the ones that run their mouths about how Bad and evil we are...then look at the list of countries that I really can't think of as serving any purpose for us to contribute to. They are numbers from 2008 which are teh latest I have ever come across

i understand your point on an emotional level.  but, do we really want our government to act emotionally regarding world affairs- isn't that partly why we are currently fighting two wars?  do we disown our kids or divorce our wives as soon as we have an argument and say bad things out of emotion?  it's easy to make bold statements about what our leaders should and shouldn't do without having to consider the consequences.  have you honestly given any thought to WHY we provide aid to the countries on that list?  do you honestly think we're doing it just to be nice and that by taking it away we'll be teaching them a lesson?

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Why are you sticking up for other people/groups/creeds, yet you are apparently not part of the group you are defending? Why are you afraid of other citizens owning guns, yet calling other forum members "paranoid"?

You'd have been better off not chiming in if this is the best you can do.  What group/people/creeds are you referring to?  sounds xenophobic/racist/homophobic to me.  Wrap yourself in the flag and then condemn someone who sticks up for others-  Is that how it should work?- only stick up for those who look and think just like you?  Is that your idea of the American way?  Why don't you explain exactly what you meant by that post?  and, i'm not necessarily afraid of other citizens owning guns.  however, i do recognize that a significant portion of the population is; and i think it's reasonable to acknowledge the legitimacy of their concerns, instead of jumping up and down about how 'they're coming for our guns and trying to take away our rights'.

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i understand your point on an emotional level.  but, do we really want our government to act emotionally regarding world affairs- isn't that partly why we are currently fighting two wars?  do we disown our kids or divorce our wives as soon as we have an argument and say bad things out of emotion?  it's easy to make bold statements about what our leaders should and shouldn't do without having to consider the consequences.  have you honestly given any thought to WHY we provide aid to the countries on that list?  do you honestly think we're doing it just to be nice and that by taking it away we'll be teaching them a lesson?

It isn't emotional at all. Let's just look at China who we are going into more debt every day too. How can you justify our handing over aid to them. How about the oil rich countries. We sit here at their mercy for a large portion of our consumed oil and again dish out aid. Is that for fear that they will hold their product from us. Could be the only justification of it...right or wrong I am not sure. Look at the list and that is NOT the total dole out to the world.  THe list is filled with countries that are located in central and southern Africa. What benefit do we get from that aid? That is your tax money going over there. I would rather see it spent at home if it 'has' to be spent at all.

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How about the oil rich countries. We sit here at their mercy for a large portion of our consumed oil and again dish out aid. Is that for fear that they will hold their product from us. Could be the only justification of it...

i think you just answered your own question, and mine.  we are dependent on them.  if we play hardball, we lose.  look what's happened to gas prices since tensions rose in the middle east over the past few months.  what would you have to say if we pulled all of our aid to the oil producing countries and gas shot up to $12 a gallon and poeple couldn't heat their homes?  would you applaude the government for taking a stand or call them incompetent for putting us in such a position?  as far as the other countries, there must be reasons that we are not aware of.  i just think that it'd be a good idea to find out those reasons before we condemn it all and move toward isolationism. 

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  what would you have to say if we pulled all of our aid to the oil producing countries and gas shot up to $12 a gallon and poeple couldn't heat their homes?  would you applaude the government for taking a stand or call them incompetent for putting us in such a position? 

And what are your thoughts on our current drilling operations here at home?

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pullig out the racist card on that comment speaks volumes to your true nature. It is clearly evident what group you belong to.

really, and what group is that?  how could you interpret his question/comment any other way?  the implication was obvious.  and, by defending it, you might be showing your true nature.  what do you think he meant by 'group/creed/people' in the context of that question.  a few of you have implied that i belong to a particular group.  i'm asking honestly, what group are you talking about? 

and, i'm curious, exactly what do you mean about my 'true nature', since we know each other so well.

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