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Trump campaign in turmoil

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Lets not get carried away, he has had a few comments not all liked. The Media has blown it out of proportion. Hillary is still Crooked and is unfit to have Classified documents. She is unable to tell the truth, even when given the chance. Trump needs to stay on topic and keep point out her failures. If Hillary wins SCOTUS is Liberal at the least. If Hillary wins she will make Safe Act look like Childs play. If Hillary Wins America is in for the worse it has ever seen. Back to Trump, doesn't he have a choice at who he wants to support? he still has that right. 


Edited by Huntscreek
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I don't understand why every time somebody says something about Trump the Trump militia comes out in his full defense. Why can't anybody condemn him for things he said.  Hillary is a piece of crap. We know that. And anybody can say those things and nobody will disagree. How come nobody can say Trump is wrong without the minions coming to his aide.  Looks like people are drinking the koolaid.  If you cant see that trumps comments are his own worst enemy then you got the blinders on.  

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12 hours ago, ants said:

I hate to say it, and I hope Im wrong, but I think that  over the top corrupt, lying,  immoral, self serving,  Socialist/Communist mess or a woman, is our next President.


Hang on folks….

Ants My gut tells me you maybe right, but I hope not. Trump was not my 1st choice but he is now. This election is more about SCOTUS for me, Trump must win. I could live with 4 years of a Trump administration. I really don't care to live though Hillary's vision of America, she will be worse than Obama. You know McCain is a Rino and Politian's like him lives are going to change if Trump wins. Trump needs to stop tweeting Nonsense, and just point out what Hillary is. If he could stay on point and concentrate on Hillary only. This is his to Lose, but if he does we have to live with the outcome.

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16 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

I don't understand why every time somebody says something about Trump the Trump militia comes out in his full defense. Why can't anybody condemn him for things he said.  Hillary is a piece of crap. We know that. And anybody can say those things and nobody will disagree. How come nobody can say Trump is wrong without the minions coming to his aide.  Looks like people are drinking the koolaid.  If you cant see that trumps comments are his own worst enemy then you got the blinders on.  

Because if you read the entire transcripts to see what he actually said it's nothing of what the media presents.

A little context and it's what any normal person would say or ask. Here is the best fact.. the Republicans didn't want him the people voted him in as nominee,  look at Hillary the DNC wanted her and fixed it to get her and the people hate her. Now poll numbers show her 5% bump but a little research shows her numbers went up 5 % but trumps didn't go down . A 5 % bump within your own party is not a victory dance.. it would be nice to see some media coverage of Johnson but that doesn't fit the media backers agenda. .. why report fairly and Unbaised...... when there is money and kickbacks to be made

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None of Trumps comments come close to criminal activity.  None of the media's attacks on Trump claim any criminal activity.  Yet Hillary has had plenty of criminal activity for the media to report on and they don't.

It's nothing more then propaganda and misdirection, which the Democrat base always buys.


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