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Giving Away Federal Lands

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40 minutes ago, growalot said:

Yeppers and the Democrats want to give away the whole dang Country!


Actually the push to transfer our federal public lands has been being pushed harder by the republicans. I'ma registered republican so don't take that as a jab from the other side of the isle. I think what really needs to happen is weather the Congressman/Senator is republican or a democrat, they need to be voted out. This way whoever comes in realizes that they should be working for the people and not big business. Term limits would also help so this way they actually do public service and not try to keep their donors happy. I highly encourage anyone on this forum to look at Randy's materials that were put out on public land transfer and also look at the Back Country Hunter and Anglers group. Even if you don't hunt out west it still can happen here when they realize what they can get away with. Also, these lands are in a trust for the american people. I don't ever remember getting a check when these lands were transferred and then sold off. 

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