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How old?


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based on I guess rack size, neck, body in general proportion to the legs, and a couple other things i'll say 3.5 years old (or as larry says he will be this fall).  some DEC staff and field techs are very good.  others not so much.  4.5+ year old bucks take more than just luck to get to that age.  things like how much muscle in the shoulders or thickness in his upper neck doesn't matter much.  once he's juiced up on testosterone and hard antlered he'll look even meaner and a bit different.

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11 hours ago, growalot said:

Hahaha ..you guys kill me...every single one of you have been judging "racks" and aging(if smart) since puberty your all gold miners....:P:wink:

I "liked" this earlier today but I just now "got".  :rofl:

Sooooo true my dear growie, so true. 

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So....if that deer looks to be 3 in the pictures that I posted (based on most of the responses), then that would make him 4 this year as the pictures are from last August.  Once he lost velvet, he disappeared and we didn't catch him on camera again.  

We just got cams back out last week and haven't checked them yet, but I hope to have pictures of him from this year so we have a little more history with the buck and can make a more accurate guess as to his age.....Or, someone thought that a wide 3 year old 8 point was big enough and killed him last fall...I know that I would have if presented the opportunity :drinks:.

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