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moose river plains

Pat Rockets

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I was going thru the pointless pile i save  and throw out every coupla months and came accross a letter sent by howard cushing on  the access for handicapped and allowance of use of recreational vehicles in that area..for people with disabilities and those who are in the middle(not fit enough to hike..wilderness buffer zones..special management areas..float plane access to beaver, little moose, and squaw lake..opposing the closing of roads and such...

In a nutshell i see this as..help we need more $ so even if it will effect your hunting..we want to make it state carnival land..

This letter was from aug 10..anyone know the outcome?

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The starting post sounds awfull confusing as to just what they are referring to with handicap access,etc. I had spent a fair bit of time up there in years past and currently there isnt any ...it is rustic camping sites. Very rustic.

I believe it was the Sportsmans News that had an article on the outcome. I am sure it can be found in the DECs website. for most folks, it doesnt change anything very much. It is a huge area.

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Nothing like another half hearted thread again not much info. Cushings letter is nothing new,should post the letter. I've posted several letters and articles on Moose River here and on my blog.

Sportsmen fell asleep at the wheel on this one.  :-[  They let the ADK close up half the roads, shut down camps that had been in place for 100 years.

Hunting,camping,fishing,logging & trapping have been severely restricted by the greenies. Much land that was trusted to the state for sportsmen.

Outside the forums clamoring for justice and the locals in the ADK you'll not hear much talk about it.

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