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Do deer use the same trails every year


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In my experience the deer will continue to use areas familiar to them, right up to the point where there is a serious and ongoing disruption such as housing development or clear-cutting, loss of food sources or security areas. They're creatures of habit rather than logic, and they tend to adapt to changes in their environment rather than flee. Adult bucks are a bit more finicky because they are very solitary during our hunting seasons, but even they won't entirely abandon an area due to hunting pressure. They'll mostly become nocturnal.

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In my experience the deer will continue to use areas familiar to them, right up to the point where there is a serious and ongoing disruption such as housing development or clear-cutting, loss of food sources or security areas. They're creatures of habit rather than logic, and they tend to adapt to changes in their environment rather than flee. Adult bucks are a bit more finicky because they are very solitary during our hunting seasons, but even they won't entirely abandon an area due to hunting pressure. They'll mostly become nocturnal.

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I think this is something that is very location specific and can change for sure. I have some areas that there are definitley trails that deer have used for years. If food and cover are there and not overpressured they usually won't change. That said it can all end quick. Just a tree falling in the wrong place, a year without mast, someones dog(s) running deer...lots of things can end the way it used to be quickly! One year I shot the biggest matriarch doe from out back and the does left changed pattern and it never changed back again. Ruined a real good stand. The key is if things change be aware not stubborn and adapt.

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Yes they can like mentioned if undisturbed.  Shoot the matriarch and you will see her young will stay away from that area but shoot the younger deer and the lead doe will still stay in the area.  I have checked old patterns and seen deer in the exact same spot many years later. 

Dispersal, Rut, poor mast crop, change in the woods, ex: fallen tree as mentioned or excessive presser from anything can cause the pattern to change.  Many factors but I find even old trail patterns if on a main run will always be used to some degree.

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4 hours ago, LJC said:

Do deer use the same trails  areas year after year  even if the have been hunted there 

The younger deer do on our property. The old wise ones however do not. They range more through the woods and I can't seem to nail down a pattern on mature bucks. Usually the mature bucks on our property usually bed in this one area that no one hunts (too thick and you would be crawling through the area). If you can figure out their bedding area and feeding area you setup somewhere in between.

I have stands that have been in the same trees for the last 4 or 5 years, Chipper Jones refers to those type of trees as "killing trees".

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In my area they seem  to be back at the same spots year after year only moving after being spooked to be back after a few days or weeks at the most seems like 

6 minutes ago, chas0218 said:

The younger deer do on our property. The old wise ones however do not. They range more through the woods and I can't seem to nail down a pattern on mature bucks. Usually the mature bucks on our property usually bed in this one area that no one hunts (too thick and you would be crawling through the area). If you can figure out their bedding area and feeding area you setup somewhere in between.

I have stands that have been in the same trees for the last 4 or 5 years, Chipper Jones refers to those type of trees as "killing trees".

I have seen deer jump out of brush 10 feet from me so thick you would think it inpossible for something that big to move through it . 

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1 hour ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

There is a reason the deer are using a trail. It's not just because it's a trail there is always a reason. You could kill the whole local herd and in a year or 2 more deer will use the same trails at least that's my belief I haven't ever tried it.

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Probably has to do with sent on the trail food on that trail and terrain. 

Wonder how long deer can smell sent from other deer   on a trail ? Days? weeks?  years ?

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