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Veteran's were not given proper respect yesterday.


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IMHO, our Vets were not properly thanked yesterday.  I saw idiot college kids protesting Trump, but nothing at these colleges about vets.  I saw news articles talking about Trump, with hardly any reporting about vets.  I saw businesses ignoring Veteran's Day and even saw very little on this forum about it.

Really makes me wonder if our vets feel as if all they did was wasted or forgotten.




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I was at lowes and showed my VA card for my discount and the lady looked at me like I was less than her. Maybe because I'm not a grey haired old Vietnam vet but I don't think most people care as much about those who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. She never even said thank u for your service. I don't expect that but on vetrans day, c'mon.

Edited by Gencountyzeek
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Well, I'd like to personally thank you all for your service and your personal sacrifice. It means a lot to us, even if some of us are too stupid to realize it. I make about a dozen phone calls every year on Veteran's Day to good friends I've made over the years. Mostly Vietnam vets because that's closest to my age group, and it's just saying hi and touching base because we don't see each other much any more, but I always end with a heartfelt thank you. They appreciate the sentiment that comes without any fanfare, from a friend.

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52 minutes ago, Rattler said:

IMHO, our Vets were not properly thanked yesterday.  I saw idiot college kids protesting Trump, but nothing at these colleges about vets.  I saw news articles talking about Trump, with hardly any reporting about vets.  I saw businesses ignoring Veteran's Day and even saw very little on this forum about it.

Really makes me wonder if our vets feel as if all they did was wasted or forgotten.




Twitter patriots were all over it. The Mainstream media and progressive culture  is irrelevnt now and does not represent real world opinon. Get a Gab and Twitter account

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I did get probably 8 txt, yesterday from friends and family saying thank you. That does mean alot because those r the people I care about most and it's good to know they care. A stuck up lady at lowes I could care less about if what I did in my life doesn't mean anything to her. I find people in there 60's-70's are the ones that show the most respect because that's how they were brought up. 

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