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Southern opener, just wanted to say good bye


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Lets try some science:   If I had taken a DNA sample from an embryo in the doe that I killed last SZ opening day, a week or two after she was bred, would the sample match her or the buck that got her pregnant?   I believe science would show that it would match neither, proving that "NEW" life does indeed "begin at conception".    

I assume that last quoted statement was what you were referring to when you said that I brought religion onto this thread.   If that is true, then you really can use science to prove religion.   That also gets us back on topic.  Why do folks get down on people for killing little bucks, but don't mind killing pregnant does that are often carrying two?   If you can't answer that one, maybe Four Seasons will take a shot at it.    

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On 5/4/2017 at 9:37 PM, wolc123 said:

Lets try some science:   If I had taken a DNA sample from an embryo in the doe that I killed last SZ opening day, a week or two after she was bred, would the sample match her or the buck that got her pregnant?   I believe science would show that it would match neither, proving that "NEW" life does indeed "begin at conception".    

I assume that last quoted statement was what you were referring to when you said that I brought religion onto this thread.   If that is true, then you really can use science to prove religion.   That also gets us back on topic.  Why do folks get down on people for killing little bucks, but don't mind killing pregnant does that are often carrying two?   If you can't answer that one, maybe Four Seasons will take a shot at it.    

Hey if you can kill babies and then look at the book or the sky or wherever the hell you look and get the Ok to kill said babies by whomever it is that you believe in then have at it.

Your stupid statement about god directing your bullet up a deer's ass makes about as much sense as you taking the shot to begin with. 

God save us all.......................................................

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1 hour ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

Hey if you can kill babies and then look at the book or the sky or wherever the hell you look and get the Ok to kill said babies by whomever it is that you believe in then have at it.

Your stupid statement about god directing your bullet up a deer's ass makes about as much sense as you taking the shot to begin with. 

God save us all.......................................................

You don't sound too happy with folks killing little bucks.   Are you ok with them killing pregnant does that turn out to be carrying two bucks?  If so, please explain why.  Have you ever heard of anyone else delivering a perfect Texas heart shot with a clean gut job and very little destroyed meat ? 

As far as directing that bullet, I think I can take most of the credit for that part.  Striking a 1/4" diameter bull at 50 yards with a rifle that has always held less than 1" group at 100 yards is no big deal.   Positioning that buck at the right time, place, and alignment is where God came in.  The "dumb luck" argument might hold some water had it been an isolated case.       

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12 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

You don't sound too happy with folks killing little bucks.   Are you ok with them killing pregnant does that turn out to be carrying two bucks?  If so, please explain why.  Have you ever heard of anyone else delivering a perfect Texas heart shot with a clean gut job and very little destroyed meat ? 

As far as directing that bullet, I think I can take most of the credit for that part.  Striking a 1/4" diameter bull at 50 yards with a rifle that has always held less than 1" group at 100 yards is no big deal.   Positioning that buck at the right time, place, and alignment is where God came in.  The "dumb luck" argument might hold some water had it been an isolated case.       

Shows how bright you are for thinking that which in turn shows why you would take that shot to begin with. You keep saying Little Bucks...I keep saying Baby Bucks which are all the button bucks you love to kill. You call yourself god fearing and all this other shit and them drop a dime on a Baby!  Your a joke and now i see why people do not reply or respond to your posts on here. Get to bed so you can get up in the morning and go confess your sin's.to your god that lays his hand on your shoulder as you pull the hearts out of all those baby bucks you are so proud of. WAFJ!

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7 hours ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

Shows how bright you are for thinking that which in turn shows why you would take that shot to begin with. You keep saying Little Bucks...I keep saying Baby Bucks which are all the button bucks you love to kill. You call yourself god fearing and all this other shit and them drop a dime on a Baby!  Your a joke and now i see why people do not reply or respond to your posts on here. Get to bed so you can get up in the morning and go confess your sin's.to your god that lays his hand on your shoulder as you pull the hearts out of all those baby bucks you are so proud of. WAFJ!

Are you ok with folks killing does that are carrying unborn baby bucks ?   After they are born, do protruding antlers like those on the first post make killing a little buck ok ?   It sounds like killing a baby buck is a cardinal sin for you.   Have you ever tasted one ?   Would you consider yourself a trophy hunter ?     

If you are a trophy hunter, that is ok, and most of us meat hunters really appreciate you and your passing of them little bucks.  I don't expect to see you answer any of these questions, and you will probably respond with another personal attack on me, but that is ok too.   There is plenty of room for all on this site no matter how scared of the truth they are.    There will always be hope for you, thanks to Our God.  Someday you might be blessed with the opportunity of sinking your teeth into one of those "fatted-calves".  Good luck on getting the big one this fall (or the small one).  They are all ok with me, but the baby bucks certainly are the tastiest (especially their livers).              

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2 hours ago, wolc123 said:

Are you ok with folks killing does that are carrying unborn baby bucks ?   After they are born, do protruding antlers like those on the first post make killing a little buck ok ?   It sounds like killing a baby buck is a cardinal sin for you.   Have you ever tasted one ?   Would you consider yourself a trophy hunter ?     

If you are a trophy hunter, that is ok, and most of us meat hunters really appreciate you and your passing of them little bucks.  I don't expect to see you answer any of these questions, and you will probably respond with another personal attack on me, but that is ok too.   There is plenty of room for all on this site no matter how scared of the truth they are.    There will always be hope for you, thanks to Our God.  Someday you might be blessed with the opportunity of sinking your teeth into one of those "fatted-calves".  Good luck on getting the big one this fall (or the small one).  They are all ok with me, but the baby bucks certainly are the tastiest (especially their livers).              

By all means enjoy yourself. This fall make yourself a cross of some sort and throw that little billy buck up on it and Video yourself ripping that liver out of that little guy!    That way you will feel closest to your maker!!

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1 hour ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

By all means enjoy yourself. This fall make yourself a cross of some sort and throw that little billy buck up on it and Video yourself ripping that liver out of that little guy!    That way you will feel closest to your maker!!

This is way more entertaining than sitting out in the cold rain and snow and chasing after those "feathered rats" that taste like cardboard.     Thanks for helping to keep it going, even though you have not been able to answer any of my questions.  

I may or may not shoot a BB this fall.   I usually go for the largest antlerless deer first, when filling DMP's, and that has averaged 75% mature does, and 25% BB's, thru the years.   It has been 5 years since I actually pulled the trigger on one, although I did finish off one with my knife that an auto hit at the end of our driveway, 3 years ago.  A friend from work also blessed us with one that he shot here last fall.    It don't matter who kills them or how, they all taste the same, and are significantly better than older deer (especially the livers).  

Besides the exceptional flavor, another advantage of the 6-month old deer is that they do not require as much aging as older ones, for rigor mortis to break down.   I have processed them the same day they were killed and all of the cuts were extremely tender.    The exceptional taste and tenderness goes a long way towards making up for what they lack in quantity.  With careful trimming, a corn-fed BB from around here might yield 40 pounds of that "fit-for-a-king" boneless meat.       

Oddly enough, I have never killed a 6 month old doe, but I did get to taste one once.  A friend killed one during a drive on our farm about 25 years ago.  It was so small that it would almost fit in the game bag on the back of a pheasant hunting jacket.   I helped him cut it up later, and the meat tasted identical to the BB's, although the yield was only about 10 pounds.  I suppose that on the several occasions, when I killed the largest antlerless deer from a pair and it turned out to be a BB, the smaller one that got away was probably a sister. 

You are right about one thing for sure.  Some times, I think that I may have died and went to heaven after I sink my teeth into one of them BB livers, tenderloins, or backstraps, cooked medium rare.  If you are ever heartbroken after killing one by mistake, feel free to shoot me a pm and I will gladly take your "problem" off your hands for you.                          

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14 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

This is way more entertaining than sitting out in the cold rain and snow and chasing after those "feathered rats" that taste like cardboard.     Thanks for helping to keep it going, even though you have not been able to answer any of my questions.  

I may or may not shoot a BB this fall.   I usually go for the largest antlerless deer first, when filling DMP's, and that has averaged 75% mature does, and 25% BB's, thru the years.   It has been 5 years since I actually pulled the trigger on one, although I did finish off one that an auto hit, with my knife, 3 years ago.  Also, and a friend from work blessed us with one that he shot here last fall.    It don't matter who kills them or how, they all taste the same, and are significantly better than older deer (especially the livers).  

Besides the exceptional flavor, another advantage of the 6-month old deer is that they do not require as much aging as older ones, for rigor mortis to break down.   I have processed them the same day they were killed and all of the cuts were extremely tender.    The exceptional taste and tenderness goes a long way towards making up for what they lack in quantity.  With careful trimming, a corn-fed BB from around here might yield 40 pounds of that "fit-for-a-king" boneless meat.       

Oddly enough, I have never killed a 6 month old doe, but I did get to taste one once.  A friend killed one during a drive on our farm about 25 years ago.  It was so small that it would almost fit in the game bag on the back of a pheasant hunting jacket.   I helped him cut it up later, and the meat tasted identical to the BB's, although the yield was only about 10 pounds.  I suppose that on the several occasions, when I killed the largest antlerless deer from a pair and it turned out to be a BB, the smaller one that got away was probably a sister. 

You are right about one thing for sure.  Some times, I think that I may have died and went to heaven after I sink my teeth into one of them BB livers, tenderloins, or backstraps, cooked medium rare.  If you are ever heartbroken after killing one by mistake, feel free to shoot me a pm and I will gladly take your "problem" off your hands for you.                          

You won't have that problem. I like drinking my milk in a glass. Not out of a piece of meat taken from a baby.  Is today not the day you should be out standing on the street corners getting people to repent or knocking on doors trying to get folks to believe in your shit? Better get to it!

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17 minutes ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

You won't have that problem. I like drinking my milk in a glass. Not out of a piece of meat taken from a baby.  Is today not the day you should be out standing on the street corners getting people to repent or knocking on doors trying to get folks to believe in your shit? Better get to it!

It says in Exodus, to "not cook a young goat in it's mother's milk".  I am not sure if that also pertains to deer, but they are very similar (each has cloven hoofs and chew its cud) so I suppose it may.   We do have a BB, and what is very likely his momma, down in the basement freezer right now.   I did not save any of her milk.   I am glad to hear that you like milk.  Our dairy farmers need all the support they can get right now.        

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I get yelled at for passing spikes!  "If your hunting LI and do not shooting everything you are part of the problem."  I have been told.  These people must not hunt LI because where I hunt on LI the public area's are not overpopulated!  I have no problem shooting a doe due to overpopulation yet I have only seen 2 areas on LI that needed it.  We took 3 bucks and 17 doe in 2 years from that area (Low estimate).  I have to agree with some of the other posters on here that basically say to do what you want if it is legal and don't worry so much what the other guy is doing, unless it is your neighbor it will probably have little effect on your hunting. 

I say the same about religion, if you have no faith don't harp on the ones with it, it does not affect you yet you make it a point to belittle that person just because he or she is different than you.  God does not pull the trigger or aim for us, that is up to us and practicing.  Yet when we than the lord for a beautiful hunt and well placed bullet we are chastised.  When the chips are down and nothing is right sometimes faith is all that person has left.  Sometimes this is the only thing that pulls people through the hard times in life, don't judge lest you be judged first.

God Bless all huntingny.com posters! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
It says in Exodus, to "not cook a young goat in it's mother's milk".  I am not sure if that also pertains to deer, but they are very similar (each has cloven hoofs and chew its cud) so I suppose it may.   We do have a BB, and what is very likely his momma, down in the basement freezer right now.   I did not save any of her milk.   I am glad to hear that you like milk.  Our dairy farmers need all the support they can get right now.        

So since you quoted that specific bible quote do you keep kosher or follow halal, if you were as devout as you say you are you would follow the. Bible to a t.... bet you didn't even know the significance of the quote you just used.

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I get yelled at for passing spikes!  "If your hunting LI and do not shooting everything you are part of the problem."  I have been told.  These people must not hunt LI because where I hunt on LI the public area's are not overpopulated!  I have no problem shooting a doe due to overpopulation yet I have only seen 2 areas on LI that needed it.  We took 3 bucks and 17 doe in 2 years from that area (Low estimate).  I have to agree with some of the other posters on here that basically say to do what you want if it is legal and don't worry so much what the other guy is doing, unless it is your neighbor it will probably have little effect on your hunting. 
I say the same about religion, if you have no faith don't harp on the ones with it, it does not affect you yet you make it a point to belittle that person just because he or she is different than you.  God does not pull the trigger or aim for us, that is up to us and practicing.  Yet when we than the lord for a beautiful hunt and well placed bullet we are chastised.  When the chips are down and nothing is right sometimes faith is all that person has left.  Sometimes this is the only thing that pulls people through the hard times in life, don't judge lest you be judged first.
God Bless all huntingny.com posters! 

We don't belittle him for believing in go we do it because of the Ridiculous claims that he makes

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31 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

So since you quoted that specific bible quote do you keep kosher or follow halal, if you were as devout as you say you are you would follow the. Bible to a t.... bet you didn't even know the significance of the quote you just used.

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Thanks Chef,

You just hit on the best part of being a Christian.   Those Jewish guidelines you are referring to may point us in the right direction, but strict adherence does not guarantee a place in Heaven.   It is not "good works" that gets us there.   It is much easier than that, requiring nothing more than the acceptance of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, as our Savior.

P.S., I slipped up a little bit this morning and had some bacon (from a pig) with my eggs.  Our family should be good with the "rules" for dinner however.   I just finished forming up some venison hamburgs, mixed with raw egg, and put them back in the fridge.  They will be ready for the grill later this afternoon.      

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Thanks Chef,
You just hit on the best part of being a Christian.   Those Jewish guidelines you are referring to may point us in the right direction, but strict adherence does not guarantee a place in Heaven.   It is not "good works" that gets us there.   It is much easier than that, requiring nothing more than the acceptance of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, as our Savior.
P.S., I slipped up a little bit this morning and had some bacon (from a pig) with my eggs.  Our family should be good with the "rules" for dinner however.   I just finished forming up some venison hamburgs, mixed with raw egg, and put them back in the fridge.  They will be ready for the grill later this afternoon.      

Lol so you preach gods word and then pick and choose what you want to follow sounds like a load of crap to me, more of a self serving I do what I want then a true religious man

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11 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

Lol so you preach gods word and then pick and choose what you want to follow sounds like a load of crap to me, more of a self serving I do what I want then a true religious man

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It is not that difficult Chef, all it takes is a little "child-like" faith.   

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It is not that difficult Chef, all it takes is a little "child-like" faith.   

So it takes faith to pick and choose what you want to believe out of the Bible, sounds pretty hypocritical if you ask me..... sounds like free reign to use the Bible to justify your bs if you ask me

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I am very thankful for you and the fact that you keep bringing up religion.   There simply can not be too much of Jesus Christ on a hunting web site (especially on a Sunday), and the downstate NY support is especially appreciated.  Hunting and fishing are the two hobbies that position folks the best to absorb the blessings of His grace.   

41 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

So it takes faith to pick and choose what you want to believe out of the Bible, sounds pretty hypocritical if you ask me..... sounds like free reign to use the Bible to justify your bs if you ask me

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  You show me that there is some hope that  NYC will finally get with the program and join up with the Christian revival that is sweeping our country right now.   There is no one on this site that has strengthened my own faith in Him more than yourself and for that I am forever grateful.   Keep up the good work, lets get it on for a few more pages.  Maybe I will get the first word on page 3 also.     

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I am very thankful for you and the fact that you keep bringing up religion.   There simply can not be too much of Jesus Christ on a hunting web site (especially on a Sunday), and the downstate NY support is especially appreciated.  Hunting and fishing are the two hobbies that position folks the best to absorb the blessings of His grace.   
  You show me that there is some hope that  NYC will finally get with the program and join up with the Christian revival that is sweeping our country right now.   There is no one on this site that has strengthened my own faith in Him more than yourself and for that I am forever grateful.   Keep up the good work, lets get it on for a few more pages.  Maybe I will get the first word on page 3 also.     

Again I prove your full of crap and you thank me you change the subject because you can't admit to being wrong.... what a sick joke

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I came here for a good deer fight and it was a religious one...back in a few weeks

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Sorry.... all I'm trying to do is get him to leave the religion out of here

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Maybe you don't realize that it is the Holy Spirit who is pulling your strings.  You started this most recent personal attack on me by digging back about one month, and it was you who first brought religion onto this thread.  

You will probably say that it was I, with my comment that "life begins at conception.  Later, I used science, which you claim to embrace, to prove that NEW life does indeed begin at conception.  How else do you explain why a fawn fetus dna does not exactly match it's mother ?  Maybe four seasons will jump in on that one.  I am still waiting for him to tell us why shooting a doe post-rut, that may be carrying two buck fetuses is ok, but killing a bb is not.

What it comes down to is that you simply can't handle the truth at this stage of your life.  Do not worry about it, for there is always hope for you and all the other nonbelievers, who might stumble across this thread.   Thanks again for carrying on this discussion.  Lets go for a third page anyhow.  

Why don't you jump over to some of the other threads that I am on, and bring a little religion in there also?  You just can't have enough of Jesus Christ on a hunting website.  The Bible says that He knows where every sparrow falls after all.  

Who knows, the next time you loose an arrows in a deer, He might make sure that deer does not suffer much, and ends up in your freezer.  He has done that with every deer I have shot at, with a bow, crossbow, ML, shotgun, or rifle, over the last 10 years.  He has even let be be in the right place at the right time with my pocketknife to take care of some tasty road "carnage" a few times.   The only way I know that I can make that long "perfect" streak continue, is by giving Him all of the credit, every time.   I know that I am not that good of a hunter on my own.        

How many deer have you fired upon, over the last ten years, that did not end up in your freezer (or someone else who you gave them to) ?  You have left a record of at least one on this site, in the bowhunting section.  If you want to improve on that statistic, you might consider opening up the Bible from time to time, and accepting Christ as your savior.  What is there to loose?   A few more deer maybe ?   Those might end up being the least of your troubles if you stay lost too long.                      

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