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Media is very liberal and basically hate him.  I ran out of likes Rattler or you would have gotten more!  I understand him using twitter but like stated he needs to realize he is addressing the entire world not just some upset followers that want to bring him down.  Like stated before he needs to ignore many of the moronic things the media will post and get to work making this country great again.  Let your actions speak more than anything you post!

He could start with a huge infrastructure plan to fix our much needed roads, bridges, DAMS etc.  This would also bring many jobs and broaden the workforce.

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It's not quite that simple NFA-ADK. The tweets from Trump allow him to keep the media, the Progressives, the GOP establishment, the whole Uniparty construct, and the rest of the Trump-haters chasing after things which are basically unimportant. In the meantime, he's getting stuff done that the people who elected him wanted him to do. He's a lot smarter than his detractors give him credit for, and I'm enjoying the ride.

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Trump is correct to call out the mainstream media for its continued negative, antagonistic and dishonest reporting. Much of the media has become little more than a leftist propaganda machine and a willing accomplice in what may best be described as Barack Obama's shadow government.

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