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Stretching Border Bow Legs a bit


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Finally good enough weather to shoot outside. Set up the old rinehart at 32 yds and my first five shots with the border tempest were money.  Good group for me at that distance in Sept let alone first day outside.  Bareshaft tells me the 20yd tune was good.  I like bareshafts a hair right and low. No excuses now when I fling bad shots. It ain't the bow or tune.  So nice to be shooting outside.  Best part, at 3lbs lighter than my black widow, these 638g arrows only drop about 5" from 20yds to 30yds vs 10" with the widow.  A little room for error. That's compound like but from a 48lb recurve.  I am super impressed with this bow.


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15 minutes ago, ncountry said:

Stupid question... how do you aim?  Sights, down the arrow, neither? Shows you my knowledge of traditional gear..  Lol

Excellent shooting btw.


No sights. I look down arrow to target and put the target the right height in sight window.  Honesty, aiming is not the hard part.  I am sure I make more bad shots from poor execution vs poor aiming.  Just like Sergio's last put.  Weak!

Edited by moog5050
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Nice shooting moog!  It will be awile before I'm able to shoot. Been missing it a lot, especially a day like today.  Hoping to be ready before bow season? We will see.

Was able to do a different type of shooting today though!!!  Will post later. 

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