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word of warning


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Not that I'm assuming people here litter...Don't pass on the litter you find...Man our place and camp gets hit hard with guys littering ..Our road side looks like a garbage dump..Though we do have a regular that drives our road picking up bottles. Camp it's like they do so just to let us know they were there..camp fires too:mda:

Anyways this link shows a good reason  to clean up...We took a pick up truck for of genessee shorties off our place and I still find them on occasion. We had to take the backhoe and bury  a land fill of stuff that we found along the road when we bought our lower property..there was too much to remove and it had things like hygiene products in it...years of peoples household garbage. DEC had to remove a plastic jug from a bears head this year..weeks on it, still trying to figure that one out...him still being alive




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1 hour ago, growalot said:

We had to take the backhoe and bury  a land fill of stuff that we found along the road when we bought our lower property..there was too much to remove and it had things like hygiene products in it...years of peoples household garbage

That part is definitely illegal, shame on you. The proper thing to do would have been report it to the DEC if it was as bad as you make it out to be not just bury it. You corrected one wrong with another wrong.

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That was the solution...and BTW the DEC does nothing with personal land dumping it Is under town law...How do I know this..Well One  crazy neighbor that was pizzed we bought our first piece of land decided to "fix " us , see they THOUGHT they had first options on the place. What they didn't know was the owner had a real dislike for them...something about breaking up a marrage. So they called the DEC and said we had an oil pit on our place. Well DEC had to send out two specialists. One from Albany,who didn't appreciate the drive.  When they were done searching the place and hearing what was REALLY going on they

1. complimented me on our land and up keep

2. apologized for having to go through the place messing up my only day off

Then I said well if you want to see a dump what can be done about the one another neighbor had right on the line in the corner of our place... They checked it out... house hold products, many old tires, cleaning and many milk jugs,  plastic bins, old appliances and several burning barrels. The hazmat guy was pretty much outraged but the other DEC officials said  "sorry that is all legal stuff"...We would have to go through the town and only if the town has a dumping ordinance.

So save your shame on me's  when I have spent literally months cleaning up what the prior pigs in this area dumped on all these lands..

Hell that same neighbor had to have the bomb squad with their robots come up here because their kids uncovered...wait for it.... a partially buried box of TNT put their by...what for it...The town highway dept after getting the previous owners permission.  It was lit on fire by the bomb squad..how much you think that cost the tax payers? So my taking our back hoe and buring that garbage where it had lain for years put no shame on me ...We did what was OK'd

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You can say what ever you wish my dear but that is ALL fact.   Now I am going to tell you straight up.... Get off your freaking high horse. I am the one that spent several hours with the DEC guys. I am the one that was just as shocked as the Albany guy to find out the dumping of ash laden burning barrels, old car tires collecting stagnate water , batteries, plastic blowing all over, old motors ect..ect..ect was legal under the eyes of the DEC with only this one point given.. The tires have to be in the numbers equal to the owners own vehicle replacements, something like 2 sets per vehicle per year. Now because your a young pup and this was when we first moved up here, thing might have changed since then. I wouldn't know, because I have cleaned up most of it...save the occasional beer bottle ,tooth brush(to my surprise) and too much light bulb glass that floats to the surface in odd places. I do not appreciate being called a liar

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Please stop showing your ignorance that entire thing is about dumping on the sides of a road .either town county or state  if in the ditch ,or , private  land  which is all under the littering laws. NOW there are very few towns that are ordnance free or have few ,We are in one of those...private land disposal by the land owner does not fall under DEC regs unless as in the case of "oil" it could contaminate the ground water. It falls under town ordinances.. That said during the time this occured. So the next time you want to "prove me a liar"  pull up what is relevant to what I said....

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it is 100% illegal to bury trash/garbage. Even more of an issue if there are any kinds of chemicals.

Passing an illegal oil pit investigation does not mean you are in compliance with federal and state law.

i can present my certification for NYS hazardous waste management if you'd like to argue further. 

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not the intent to beat up on grow, but regardless if illegal or not it's a bad idea to bury "rubbish".  the town i grew up in is a basically home to multiple state super fund sites from people putting the wrong stuff in the ground that is now realized to be screwing with the municipal water supply.  i hate it when people bury rubbish for that reason alone.  not to mention, later on down the road it'll be somebody else's problem when they find it.

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We had NO oil THEY lied to get the DEC here to harass us...Apparently they previous owner did some car reppairs and being in real estate they had had access to the property before we bought. They had seen a pile of oil filters in the woods..BTW those were the first things I had disposed of when I found them along with bathroom tiles a toilet ,sink ect ect.  I didn't hide that fact from them and they thoroughly checked that area out first thing. I can go out and take picture of what is still left from that old dump I showed the DEC Take it up with them ..I have in the last few minute checked the DEC regulations and see some newer laws on tires  but that site being what it is  have typed several different searches and found little to find what laws are now...

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Listen that stuff had been there for years and years..I'm not picking through human waste materials for anyone and I was in the legal on this . bad enough picking up beer bottle to realize they were some ones pzz bottle. We took away truck loads of stuff at our expense, would never have left it on out lands...that road side spot was a different situation...BTW I don't feel beat up on ,Id have to feel I did something wrong for that... and of anyone on here most should know I am a bit of a stickler on the law and I take a bit too much pride in my land.

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you're a trip. 

Your argument is that it was there when you knowingly bought the property and inherited the responsibility of the property and because you did your best to truck a bunch of stuff off, but didn't want to pick up piss bottles you're in the right.

did i get that right? That's your argument of legality?

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Woods around me are relatively clean aside from a few random private land surface dumps and rust pile relics I like to pick through.

Roadsides are a different story, and one of the most noticeable and potentially harmfull items I find laying along my road in particular the past few years are used needles EVERYWHERE! Last year I counted 12 of them on the shoulder of the road all within a mile walk of my driveway.

I get the funny feeling it's not the same diabetic tossing his insulin shots out the car window every time they pass by.... but I could be wrong.

That's not what we were talking about here anyhow,lol


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Yes Wooly we are for any animal or land owner could yes get stuck with them and if not seriouly hurt at the time risk disease and death.. So all cautions should be taken. even when cleaning things up you see. like what yopu might think to be an empty bag

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3 minutes ago, growalot said:

BTW thanks for derailing something people should be considering when they drive by and see someones beer bottle or cheese puff plastic tub ,snapple bottle. instead of picking it up...Just so you can think OH I got her now! So sad

i think the issue was the pot calling the kettle black.

i have a camp in the Adirondacks and i pick up plenty of trash. litter bugs piss me off too.

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55 minutes ago, growalot said:

Please stop showing your ignorance that entire thing is about dumping on the sides of a road .either town county or state  if in the ditch ,or , private  land  which is all under the littering laws. NOW there are very few towns that are ordnance free or have few ,We are in one of those...private land disposal by the land owner does not fall under DEC regs unless as in the case of "oil" it could contaminate the ground water. It falls under town ordinances.. That said during the time this occured. So the next time you want to "prove me a liar"  pull up what is relevant to what I said....

I did just that, you buried trash which is illegal, it has been shown to you that it is illegal and now you want to play the victim. You said DEC doesn't control illegal dumping, that is a lie. You claimed to have some sort of permission to bury trash, also a lie.


I will be waiting for the address, I have the form to fill in on stand by.

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8 minutes ago, growalot said:

Did I some how some where on here say I was disposing of low level radio active or hazardous waste? Well maybe... perhaps those tampons we found were from a serious HOT vagina.. Whats wrong with you...

First off that is disgusting, secondly, did you sort through all of that household trash?

Listen I know you like to come off as a law-abiding person but you clearly broke a law here and honestly it is sad that you think it is ok.

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Really ? Please go back and actually read those links you provide PLease PLease.. nothing nothing to do with private house hold s on private land ..unless they are ground water contaminates ...Oh yes radio active, producing odors and or dusts ...not one mention of them regulating PRIVATE home owner wastes. Those are for collection and business

The stuff that hadn't disintegrated was visible kitchen type stuff in plastic or what had been plastic bags as it and the dirt scooped up with it was transferred to the 8ft deep whole dug to bury it replacing the area with part of the clean dirt before filling the hole with remaining. So yes Mr grasping at straw we saw what was in it. So you thought just reading that disgusting... you should have had to deal with it to know disgusting

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No what I said was at the time, yes..how old are you?

Wait how many times did I mention Town ordinances and the fact the DEC official said it was under TOWN ordinances? You can check most towns NOW and find ordinance against such things...Just like with grey water emissions.. most places in the country would have grey water lines and many are still grandfathered in as with older barrel type septic.. grey water and barrel septic are not legal to put in now but that wasn't the case and not all that long ago.

The only reason I continue with you on this is  well you make me laugh and put things out there some may not know.

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