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like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame.  In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt.  Free room and board  over 400 acres and all private.  Let me know.  I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law.  Let me know. 

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And misery loves company

It's all good. Just feel we got a lot of bullshitters here.

I hate to profile by the way someone types or expresses there experiences, but if I went back and dug through these threads some....there's a lot of conflicting opinions and stances some here haven't remebered to stick to very well...if for nothing more than their own credability.

Holyer than thou attitudes portrayed from thread to thread except for that one screw up when you all thought nobody was paying attention. Believe me, I read them all. Arrowflipper is right at the top of that list right beside bubba.

I agree... there are a lot those that don't walk the walk... I happen to be one of the ones that do... killing a whitetail is not more important to me than the excitement of the hunt and the story behind it.

I often wonder about those who protest their innocence before any one even accuses them. Must be a sign of guilt. Walk the talk or talk the bullshit, hard to tell the difference. Tough to walk in your perfect shoes, should use boots it's getting deep.


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What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8.

Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise  and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!

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like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame.  In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt.  Free room and board  over 400 acres and all private.  Let me know.  I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law.  Let me know.

Bubba invite all of us for opening day.


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Eddie, and everyone else i'm sure your watch with the time adjusted to what 3 minute area you hunting will do fine :( Just trying to push the point that the law is the law and the holier than thou crowd should be following it to the milli second or don't throw rocks...  Personally i usually get my deer about 9 am so i dont worry about it to much  ;D

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like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame.  In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt.  Free room and board  over 400 acres and all private.  Let me know.  I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law.  Let me know.

Bubba invite all of us for opening day.


that might be a bit too much Dave but I never turned down anyone who wanted to hunt.  Archery starts 9/27.

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What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8.

Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise  and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!

now that would be a meeting of the minds right there.  A true think tank. 

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What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8.

Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise  and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!

The fact that you picked those two as your steak buddies speaks volumes... easy to go  back and pick apart a story when you are searching for bullshit ways to excuse your lack of ethics... you might want to invite dave too.. you all seem to fit the same mold....Us seasoned hutners aren't wasting our time looking for guys doing something wrong on the forum... were discussing opinions like adults... you don't have to like mine... and I certainly think your opinion on this topic is lame. Go back to playing with your other buddies.

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Burt, i made a comment and you need to adjust the time for where the deer was taken there is a 33 minute difference  for the time the sun sets across the state!!

That is fine, doesn't say where he hunts? It's a real stretch around here!!

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What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8.

Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise  and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!

The fact that you picked those two as your steak buddies speaks volumes... easy to go  back and pick apart a story when you are searching for bullshit ways to excuse your lack of ethics... you might want to invite dave too.. you all seem to fit the same mold....Us seasoned hutners aren't wasting our time looking for guys doing something wrong on the forum... were discussing opinions like adults... you don't have to like mine... and I certainly think your opinion on this topic is lame. Go back to playing with your other buddies.

No I was not picking apart a story and I didn't waste any time looking for a story. I went right to the success stories and knew I would find one there. Right or wrong it's how a lot of hunters judge their start and finish time.  it's right there in black and white and you commented on the kill. You want to preach about legal hunting time then you better look over what your commenting about and not contradict yourself. At no time on this thread did I act like a child, seems like you don't like what your hearing Joey.

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No it doesn't say where he hunts, but give the benifit of the doubt, you posting it as an example is not right and if i was the guy i'd be ticked!  or maybe my morals are just to high...

That is all fine and good. If it happens to be that the time changed in his area and the kill was within "legal hunting hours"

I apologize. Again this just goes to show you how crazy zero hour is where your hunting.

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No I was not picking apart a story and I didn't waste any time looking for a story. I went right to the success stories and knew I would find one there. Right or wrong it's how a lot of hunters judge their start and finish time.  it's right there in black and white and you commented on the kill. You want to preach about legal hunting time then you better look over what your commenting about and not contradict yourself. At no time on this thread did I act like a child, seems like you don't like what your hearing Joey.

Accusing someone of breaking the law and admitting to breaking the law, or condoning breaking the law, are two very different things.

Shame on you.

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Holy shit...every day I think more and more who's on the same page here.

like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame.  In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt.  Free room and board  over 400 acres and all private.  Let me know.  I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law.  Let me know.

See....,just what I'm talking about.

If you knew the position I was in right now to take you up on that offer, you'd have never offered.

I'm game....PM me my so I know where to forward my new mailing address and I'll see ya in the mornin bubba. Seeing how I'm the new poacher in town, by what's percieved here, we may as well head out for some turkey and trout before anyone else gets a chance eh?

Joe, go ahead and drop my story from your site as well. I'd hate to see you associated with someone like myself. :'(

Ahhhh, never mind, I got thick skin! ;D

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What guy was that, you people who are holding us law breakers to the fire should go back and look at my post on page 8.

Joe you congratulated this guy, he broke the law in your eyes? ??? ??? ?? All of you guys who are preaching ethics on sunrise  and sunset should look at this post. There are some seasoned hunters congratulating this guy on his kill. It cracks me up that only one person has commented on my find, one person! Pat Rockets (may I call you Pat?) was the only one to comment, what all you other guys just miss it? ??? This is such a joke. Wooley and Pat steak at my camp this summer!

Have no problem being put in the company of Wolley and Pat. No bullshit with them they use common sense.


The fact that you picked those two as your steak buddies speaks volumes... easy to go  back and pick apart a story when you are searching for bullshit ways to excuse your lack of ethics... you might want to invite dave too.. you all seem to fit the same mold....Us seasoned hutners aren't wasting our time looking for guys doing something wrong on the forum... were discussing opinions like adults... you don't have to like mine... and I certainly think your opinion on this topic is lame. Go back to playing with your other buddies.

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Holy shit...every day I think more and more who's on the same page here.

like I said wooly pick the place to hunt I will show you how it is done legally and I will put you to shame.  In fact I iwll invite you to my private place for a weekend, put you up and you will not have to worry about any 12 year olds ruining your hunt.  Free room and board  over 400 acres and all private.  Let me know.  I will put you in sem great spots, but the only rule is you have to follow the law.  Let me know.

See....,just what I'm talking about.

If you knew the position I was in right now to take you up on that offer, you'd have never offered.

I'm game....PM me my so I know where to forward my new mailing address and I'll see ya in the mornin bubba. Seeing how I'm the new poacher in town, by what's percieved here, we may as well head out for some turkey and trout before anyone else gets a chance eh?

Joe, go ahead and drop my story from your site as well. I'd hate to see you associated with someone like myself. :'(

Ahhhh, never mind, I got thick skin! ;D

no thanks I will wait for the LEGAL season. My offer was for legal hunting times.  And Rocket as far as me being an internet tough guy, that is very funny.  I didnt say hilarious because I doubt you know what that means.  What I say on here, I would say to yours or anyone elses face.  I still find it funny that a thread gets started about hunting legally and those who do not hunt legally by their own admission attack those who do hunt legally.  Says a lot about those who call themselves hunters.  Please do not contact me for bail money because you will waste your one phone call.  Now I am done baiting you fools along. You are getting too easy, plus I am sure you book of one liners must just about be to the final chapter by now, as none of the tree of you have an original thought. 

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All this from bubba the new internet toughguy..and antler the stalker...just the other day antler said he liked me..bipolar?

I changed my mind.. I really don't like you much at all... you're kind of a douchebag

Here you are the holier than tho, super law biding ethical hunter calling someone a douchbag . Your a real class act yep low class. Like I said before those who protest their innocence before they are judged must have something to hide. Antler, you remind me of the GEICO commercial where the guy comes out from under a rock. Good hiding place.


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Hmm, sarcasiam escapes most on this site it seems, as well as inteligent fact based debate! But it does have a high entetainment value in a monty python sort of way.........just need some good old cut out animation and my day would be complete!

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