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1 hour ago, Belo said:

little smaller of a bird though.

Pheasants aren't any harder to kill from a biological view point, they just have more feathers and guys tend to shoot as soon as the tail feathers hit their sight window. That being said you won't catch me toting a .410 any time soon. lol

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Sweet looking gun! When you pattern it I am interested in how close the barrel hit. I have owned a few "cheaper" overunders and all but one weren't within a ft of each other at 30yds.
love a 410 because I love light guns, for bunnies and squirrel a better scatter gun hasn't been made. I have stopped carrying a 410 for bunnies because when the occasional partridge busted all I ever got were feathers. I went back to my 20ga.

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My grandad left me a little Winchester single shot 410 that was made back in the 1920's or 30's.  I killed a lot of squirrels with it when I was a kid and it was great for that.  I stopped using it for that when I turned 16,  and switched to the .22 to improve my marksmanship for deer hunting. 

I never did shoot it at a live bird, but I did break quite a few clays with it.   After our trap league finished, those on our team with 410's would always shoot a few rounds with them.  That was a real challenge compared to using a full-choked 12 gauge.   The trick was getting on the bird real fast, and shooting before it got out beyond the effective range.   I often got out-shot with the 12 gauge, but almost never did with that little 410. 

I probably would have shot a lot more trap with it, but I don't reload and factory ammo is ridiculously priced.   I just can't handle paying twice as much money for less than half the lead and powder than you get with a box of 12 gauge target loads.  The law of supply and demand is pretty harsh on the little 410.              

Edited by wolc123
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