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New Archery Target


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I have 3 of the Delta McKenzie Speedshot Bag Targets . I have never put an arrow through one .DICKs and F&S have them for $49.99 with a $20 rebate . If you have one of the $10 off a $50 purchase , use that . . 


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father in law has the glendel buck, it's very similar to the "block" targets when removing arrows. It's nice to have a life size target either way. I won't buy another block target once this one wears out, I've had it around 10 years and had to use ratchet straps to replace the rusted out metal onces. I also flipped the foam so the non shot up stuff is in the middle now.

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3 hours ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

I have a Reinhart 3d target that is a couple of years old and has held up well. I also have a Monster Tough Bag target that I have never had an arrow go through, even shooting my bow at it from 10 yards. Ive had that target for close to 10 years.

I have one of those Monster Bag targets in the basement . Has held up quite well . 

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I have a bulldog doghouse target. Guaranteed for life when using field points. I'll likely never buy another target ever. Shot it point blank with my 70lb elite and arrow was a piece of cake to remove. It only cost me 99 bucks back in 2012. That was shipped price from the crossbow store now can get it still from jet.com free ship https://jet.com/product/detail/29c9382c07a243ce885130d7bd975ede?jcmp=pla:ggl:NJ_dur_Gen_Sporting_Goods_a1:Sporting_Goods_Hunting_Arrows_Shafts_Broadheads_a1:na:PLA_783891031_42653237698_pla-293679790508:na:na:na:2&code=PLA15&pid=kenshoo_int&c=783891031&is_retargeting=true&clickid=e06a6b3e-7c12-49b3-97a0-b6eb3827a054 get it, shoot it, love it

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Check out blobtargets.net......I have been shooting at it for two years...4-5 days a week....50-60 arrows a day. If you get a complete pass through within a year they replace it. The sides and face of the target are plain....I just pin my own faces to the target and let em fly. Worth every penny.

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Bag targets are where it's at for best value for your dollar. I have 2 of the new Blocks ,not the layered ones. They are ok but seem to chunk out pieces occasionally . I have a Rinehart booner buck that has held up really well. I dislike the bag targets for the weight when I have to carry it from my car to the range to shoot ,if I didn't have to move them ,I would just shoot bag targets.

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