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Oh Was I Afraid.........


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Saturday morning I had to run up to work for something and took my bow & Block with me.  I figured it was a nice morning and wanted to stretch a few shots out when I could. 

The boss was there as the showroom closes at noon.  He said "hey, mind if I take a couple shots with your bow?"  I VERY reluctantly said "ok....."  You see, my boss is not a hunter, shooter or anything even close to it.  As far as I know, all he is ever shot is a .22 maybe once or twice ever and a xbow 3-4 shots a couple years ago.  He is very jerky about stuff like this and as we were walking back I said he had to shoot at 6-8 feet as I was afraid he'd miss the Block by a mile and snake one under the grass, gone forever! 

Actually, that wasn't my real fear.  I was hesitant because I could see him yanking the bow past the draw stop, releasing the entire bow or any one of 37 things that could monkey up my bow.  NOT what I need on September 30.

If it was 6 weeks ago, no problem.  I just was awfully nervous.......

He watched me take a few shots and was blown away by the release, he said "WTH is THAT thing?"  That did it for him, he said he'd pass on the opportunity but it looked too complicated.

Phew........... :)

Edited by Lawdwaz
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God could ask to shoot my bow and I'd tell him...With all due respect,not even you are not allowed that. My Son 6'3" came in the house and picked up my bow and started to draw...I believe I about laid a rock! He clearly received and understood my displeasure. :stop::scare:

Edited by growalot
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