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Rut Report 2017

Canis Latrans

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I saw a major difference this weekend versus last.  I hunt the edge of a large field. I watched a few younger bucks checking the does in the field Friday afternoon and a couple of mature bucks chasing pretty hard.  Yesterday afternoon, I had five different bucks in the field and they were all pushing does around. The bigger bucks were the more aggressive. I watched a real nice buck chase a few other bucks away and then he bred a doe in the field. Had a four pointer chasing does early this morning. Had a couple of close encounters over the weekend, but didn't get a shot. Hope they're still active next weekend. I'm in 4F. 

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4H Multiple bucks on camera trailing the ground and bobbing their heads. Half of this is during daylight hours. I have seen spikes, 4pts a 2 year old 6 and a 3.5 year old 7pt doing this at all hours of the day on the 7th, 9th and 10th. I've seen large and small bucks cruising at 9 am, 2:30PM and 3:45pm. In my opinion now is the best time to see daylight action and over the next week might be the crazy running through the woods stuff. I think they will still be active up until the gun opener. Maybe I'll actually get to shoot at something this year?

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