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    Remington 770 /357 mag.
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Where did all the hunters go on this site? Not much activity about the rut. Just wondering.
  2. 8j Phelps! I think population is down. We need antler restrictions or 1 buck rule ! Never ever going to have giant bucks ! we all get 2 buck tags. Come on NY.
  3. No daylight movement here in8j Phelps area only few skippers at night . Need cold temps that are coming very soon.
  4. Much better when its cold out! Just common sense in my eyes and observation’s. If it to warm activity is hauled big time until cool temps ! no activity here in 8j with the heat.
  5. The whole eco system if screwed up! I have flowers still growing and deer are not in search nor breeding in 8j Phelps that i see’ and its 76 degrees for a high today. Not good
  6. 30 degrees here in 8j Phelps ! Crisp and crunchy frost for second day small ones are moving
  7. Youth season is good idea! Good bucks taken today ! go youth hunters .
  8. Ive used evercalm for few years works awesome! I will always buy and use.
  9. 980 ultra !Single shot ! 1 shot 1 kill ! Every time !
  10. 10/28 8j Phelps ny! Buck down . Chasing a doe and fawn at 440pm.
  11. 8j Ontario county! Few mom’s &fawns ! Fresh scrape just opened overnight!
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