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How was your "big woods" season ?


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Well, now that I can marginally face society again after a big woods season ending how was everyone's season?

I didn't harvest a buck but the season was a great success. I saw lots of deer, deer sign and even jumped a bear at the end. I consider the season a success because I was much healthier this year, able to walk and spent lots of time away and at camp. My family joined me for Thanksgiving week and the weather was pretty normal.

I hope to hear of your success here and pictures of those big body Northern deer...

Happy holidays.....


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I didn't get a deer but saw a few and learned a lot. next year i'm going to spend more time hunting the prerut instead of the rut. i'm still trying to find an area a little more void of other hunters seems there's a lot of clubs in my area. I plan on exploring over the spring and summer. other then that it is exactly what I was looking for when I bought my house up there.

my brother scored a doe during the early bow.



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I had a good week of hunting with some snow in the end.  Saw one buck tracked another and saw some doe, one other hunter saw a spike and passed him on the first day.   Met some friends from years past and enjoyed my best friend Shawn's son getting his first season in the ADK under his belt.  Mike got sick and went home early with Dominick, otherwise it was a good trip.  Nov 10 and 11th where some cold days!  

Overall a good week but a bit somber with us missing another hunter.  RIP Greg


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I haven't had the opportunity to hunt anything more then farms and swamp the last 15 years on and off so even though sightings of deer were less then I was use to, I was a pig in shit hunting big woods as I did as a young kid. 

I also was with my dad who harvested a deer with a bow for the first time in 20 years. Lots of learning to do including tracking but I did shoot a mature 8 but blew the shot just grazing the deer then spending almost two days looking for him. 

All in all I'll take big woods and limited deer over farm hunting any day. I killed a bear and doe this year in the southern tier buts it's the big woods that has me excited for next year, it takes a different hunter to succeed in that environment. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

No buck up there, but was able to get a decent one in ag crop land by the thruway.

I was up there 3 long weekends.  Passed up a little guy muzzleloader weekend.   Kicked up several while being the "goose" on a one man drive.  However, our spotters learned their escape routes much better now.  So, next season this should be easier to do....

I trapped while hunting one weekend, so that added a little more fun to it.

Overall, I had a good season.  Our club regained the main loop trail after the loggers trashed it almost 3 years ago.  That was awesome.  Found a new beaver pond spot I didn't know existed.  Found some great rub line veins from seasons past.   I also got a mama moose and her 2 kids on the trail camera this year.  Febuary of 2017 was my 1st rabbit hunt with experienced dogs, that was a hoot up there too.

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