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Pistol permit question


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Medical or recreational technically makes the user ineligible for any firearms ownership as its still considered federally illegal. My opinion is that this is quite ridiculous especially from the medical standpoint but alas them be the rules. So by that alone he may be disqualified from having a firearm in the first place. That said probably best giving a 2nd amendment lawyer a call for true legal advice. As unfortunately my personal opinions carry no legal weight

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4 hours ago, Cory said:

My best friend who was diagnosed with a brain cancer (he's beating this by the way) has had his application in for about a year now has been prescribed medical marijuana. Will his application be denied do to his prescription? 

At the very least, the county clerk/head of pistol permit dept. might be able to put his permit on ice until his prescription expires??

Then he can say "KMA and give me my permit!!

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4 hours ago, Cory said:

My best friend who was diagnosed with a brain cancer (he's beating this by the way) has had his application in for about a year now has been prescribed medical marijuana. Will his application be denied do to his prescription? 

Best of luck to your friend, Cory. If you have a permit, buy the gun for him on your permit and take him out shooting until the 'smoke' clears. Sorry for the pun.

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