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Toxic broad heads


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I think someone asked this a couple years ago but I am not going to go through a couple years of posts to find it . I think once to shoot one one of these it's ruined . 

On 2nd thought -------- click the arrow in the top right of nybuckboy's post below


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Just a wild guess, but I would assume that these would have the same shortcomings that the Browning Serpentine heads ( https://www.google.com/search?q=serpentine+broadhead&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=uJKt_15z6wOhHM%3A%2CKLKYx5fzMx4VmM%2C_&usg=__P_nrXjlBTG6d121tY7RlwX3s508%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEyMSt2YbaAhUMvlMKHUZRBh0Q9QEIKTAA#imgrc=uJKt_15z6wOhHM )had 30 or 40 years ago. Upon entry a big plug of meat fills the head and turns it into a "blunt" with severe loss in penetration.

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9 hours ago, nybuckboy said:

Anyone ever use these?  They look like they could really punch a large hole through a deer.  Toxic broad heads.




Year ago I saw a video on YouTube of someone shooting one of the these into a  milk jug full of water. 

Cut a nice hole in it water leak. Out Really fast.  

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13 hours ago, nybuckboy said:

Anyone ever use these?  They look like they could really punch a large hole through a deer.  Toxic broad heads.




Yes, I've used these with my crossbow for a couple years. I've Taken three deer with this broad head. As far as durability I've reused one. They come with a metal stamp out to readjust them if they become tweaked a little. I have tried them with my bow, it was a mid season test and I didn't feel like a readjustment to the bow was a good idea..There are a few videos on YouTube of the damage they can do,it looks like a 12 gauge shotgun  entry hole. 


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