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2 1/2 would be my ascessment. still a long neck and underdeveloped shoulders, yes its summer but a 3 or 4 year old would be tough to see definition around the brisket area, in older deer it blends even when not in rut. in rut you cant tell where the neck ends/shoulder begins nice buck good potential

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Judging from the way he is holding his right leg, and the length of his tail, and the fact that it is 65 degrees F, I would have to say that he is between 760 and 782 days old. I generally have a plus or minus 11 day margin of error on my estimates.

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I think aging deer on the hoof, while the blood is still pumping is REALLY a humongous stretch of the active imagination. 

Most people that SHOULD know how to age a deer when they have the damned lower jaw in hand can't do it.  And you expect a bunch of internet jockies to make an educated guess?

Sorry, it ain't happening.

(Have a nice day :) )

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Sure its not an exact science.  But for most of ny if you just take a guess your odds arnt too bad. 

a.  1 yr old= maybe 75% chance of being correct

b.  2=20%

c.  3+=5%

add to that there is a big difference in body size, 50 lbs?, and up to 100 inches in antler size between 1 and 3 and you have a  decent educated guess. :)

Those are my 'stats' someone who scours the dec site might have the actual #s

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I think its a lot easier and certainly fair to give a ballpark, just like guessing some guys age off the street.  Do I KNOW he's 42 and 1/3 yrs old, no;  but could any reasonable person guess that guy is between 35 and 45 absolutely.  Same with deer.

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I think its a lot easier and certainly fair to give a ballpark, just like guessing some guys age off the street.  Do I KNOW he's 42 and 1/3 yrs old, no;  but could any reasonable person guess that guy is between 35 and 45 absolutely.  Same with deer.

Good analogy... the hardest thing to do is age a deer beyound 3 1/2 on the hoof... simply because the body differences can be very subtle beyond 3 years old... but telling a young buck from an older buck is not that hard at all if you've seen enough bucks in your lifetime... its like the difference btween a teenage boy and an  older man... and even easier if you take the time to learn a little about aging on the hoof.

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I think its a lot easier and certainly fair to give a ballpark, just like guessing some guys age off the street.  Do I KNOW he's 42 and 1/3 yrs old, no;  but could any reasonable person guess that guy is between 35 and 45 absolutely.  Same with deer.

Good analogy... the hardest thing to do is age a deer beyound 3 1/2 on the hoof... simply because the body differences can be very subtle beyond 3 years old... but telling a young buck from an older buck is not that hard at all if you've seen enough bucks in your lifetime... its like the difference btween a teenage boy and an  older man... and even easier if you take the time to learn a little about aging on the hoof.

Most guys have never seen a buck older than 3.5 years, dead or alive.  If they have, it's been the ass end!  I guess if the question is, 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5, what does it really matter?  Seeing that 3.5 year old buck during season is pretty rare and if you do get a look at him you'll be pulling the trigger long before you've given a thought to when his birthday is.

When they are hanging in the shed, then I'll pop open the jaw for a peak.

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