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NY Doesnt Issue Non Resident Pistol Permits?

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Ny law says a non-resident of NY can not even be in possession of a handgun anywhere in the state.  You will be arrested and jailed if you are even caught with a hangun in your car while traveling to your place, or stowed away in your camp.

This is a NY law that should be vigorously challenged, but only the residents of NY have the power to get it over turned, and most don't seem to care because it doesn't affect them.  Personally, I feel if you allow your state's law to infringe on the rights of any law abiding gun owner, you are helping the anti-gun side of the gun rights issue.  Most NY resident gun owners say they don't support this law, but I don't see any activity with regard to abolishing it either.

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No exceptionis: Only NYS residents may be issued (maybe) a pistol permit. You may not even have it in your vehicle or on your property. I agree with the previous post...a 12 gauge pump with a slug barrel will put a ANY handgun to shame. You have little to fear about your bear. I wouldnt cook on your porch (grill, etc) , keep a clean area (dont throw wash water, food scrap into the brush), or burn garbage. Anything like that will attract a bear. Any kind of dog (even effeminate ankel biters) will keep any bear away while you are there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
There are no provisions at all for a non-resident pistol license in NY. NY doesn't offer any reciprocity with any other state license. If you have a pistol without being a licensed resident you are committing a felony. Welcome to NY.

Well said my friend, Well said.

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