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Just Who do you think you're kidding?


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Yup.....I'm getting way too many of those pictures of deer zeroed in on my Primos truth cam, giving me that "just who do you think you're kidding" staredown.

I bought an IR camera with the whole thing in mind that I didn't want a flash going off everytime a deer came down the trail. What I didn't know was that Primos has a definite "clunk" sound when the motion sensor goes off. Also, the motion sensor works in conjunction with a red LED, and then when a picture is taken, a green (the one color that deer see the best) LED comes on. Well, over time, all the deer in the area have become very well aquainted with my camera. Nobody seems to be avoiding the area, but I just don't like the idea of setting up warning devices along the deer trails.

So far I have not had any bucks in the pictures (something that is starting to worry me a bit), but I am beginning to wonder about how smart it is to be messing with the deer this way.

I can't say that I've heard anything out of my Bushnell when it goes off, but that Primos is definitely not quiet. Anybody else noticing this "staredown" when the pictures go off? I have seen a few of them in some of the posted photos here. Anybody worried about that sort of thing? Will the deer continue to just be a bit curious about these cameras, or will they eventually change patterns because of them?

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i use a white flash camera and do not put it where i expect to hunt, i HATE ir cameras!! yes the bucks will pick off a camera with ir flash or without. i find where i put my camera id i turn it 90 or 180 degreees i will get a picture of a buck that i might of had in the same location before, kind of i got one pic then where did it go.. to the other side of the camera!! lol. so do the patterns change yes in my locations it might be as simple as walking on the other side of the tree from where the camera faces..

All i can recomend is put the camera on a food source so you get an idea of what is in the area, but hunt up the trail that leads to the source where the deer hasnt seen/heard a camera go off.

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That "clunk" sound is a common complaint with the Primos cams on the chasingame forums. That was the deciding factor, as to why I didn't buy one. It might not hurt to contact Primos customer service and complain. I've heard good things about their customer service being very helpful and accomodating. They may offer you a newer/better cam that doesn't have that problem or is less noticable. Worth a shot.

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Not seeing a buck is a good thing it means you have all the doe and all those guys who are seeing huge bucks are going to wonder where they went come the rut and that will be with your doe. :roulette:

Good point! I hadn't thought about that

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I've had deer lick & sniff my camera. Actually had a young bear in Canadice nibble on it a couple years ago but only did a little cosmetic damage.

I put out my new Bushnell Trophy Cam yesterday on what appears to be a horse trail. <grin> Set it for video and it has sound so that should/could be interesting.

I screwed up yesterday also.......I put my buddies CuddeBack camera out. It takes a CompactFlash card and I put a 32mg card in it. I got home and found the 2GB card for it. It'll be filled up in a couple days I think at 32mg. Crap, too far to drive to change out so it'll have to sit for a couple days.

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Sounds like you ahave the first year model. The current year is not supposed to have the clunk. The green light is annoying. Where did you get info that deer see green light best? As far as i know they see in the blue spectrum which would make me think a blue light would be most easily seen.

Edited by phade
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Not sure where I read about them being able to see green, but blue and green are right next to each other on the spectrum, so I don't think I would want to see either lighting up on a camera.

Actually, the Primos that I am using right now was bought this year about two months ago. I don't know whether that clunking noise used to be even worse, but a deer would have to be stone deaf not to hear it. And apparently it does get their attention because I have way more pictures of deer looking right at the camera than could ever be explained by coincidence.

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Try hanging the cam off the ground 8-10 feet and angle accordingly. Trying it this year and having great results. One cam had 160 deer visits this past month. One.....one! Deer looked up at it. Cant believe i didnt do this years ago after a few suggestions to do so.

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