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Things are coming together for me this season


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This will sound like bragging but I really just need to vent my excitement since my gf's tired of hearing about it. Last season I was hunting heavily pressured public land and working a job that made me work 6 hour days 6 days a week. Not a lot of time for hunting.

This year not only did I take a job that has me working 4 days on 4 days off allowing me to go out 4 days a week every week if I wanted to, but my better half's uncle gave me permission to hunt his 100 acres in Catt county and when I mentioned bringing a tent up he told me he would make me a spare key for his "Cottage". Oh yeah, his "cottage" is actually a 2500 square foot log mansion complete with a game room and fully stocked bar.

Not trying to brag but I'm giddy like a fat chick the quarterback just asked to prom.

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I think that's a big part of why he was so generous. He's seen the way I take care of my own things and I keep in mind that I'm a guest on someone else's property.

Offering to maintain his ATV trails and fell and split wood throughout the season probably didn't hurt either.

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