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Question about mule deer...


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Yup, thats pretty much it. Some guys down south refer to whitetails that way but it's really a western thing. Here's a pic of my Wyoming Muley. He's a 5x5 with junk. Brows and a kicker make him 13. The guys out west almost peed themselves when they saw the brow on him. I told them the brows look like a 2.5 yr old whitetail where i'm from.


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Nice buck, Dave...Cody, eh..?? Hope you had time to take in the Buffalo Bill Museum... Pretty awesome..

Actually, the terminology of 4 x4 , etc. is pretty recent..

Used to be , a 4 x 4 was called a 4 point, a 3x3 a 3 point, etc. Only if the point count didn't match was it called a 3 x 4 , or whatever.

It's only been the last 30 or 40 years that we have heard the expression 4 x 4, yada, yada.

WOOOPS.. I just remembered that a lot of you folks weren't even HUNTING 30 or 40 years ago...!...

My bad...I think it's my bedtime...

MAUDIE..!! Have you seen my bottle of stool softener..??..

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