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Big Bobcat with a deer

Tim Martin

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Well someone has some nice trail-cam pics of a bobcat with a deer down on the news. No idea if it took it down, but I'm assuming that if it was caught on camera, it wouldn't be a hunter kill... and yet no frames of it actually killing, or dragging the deer, what do you think? Did they just leave those pics out?


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I don't think there's any way that cat killed that deer. Maybe the camera owner found the deer dead and set the camera up to see what showed up to feed. If you look at the date/time of the sequence of pictures, the first picture is actually the second picture. The black and white pic was the following moring. All the leaves look undisturbed as well. All I know is that if that cat WAS able to kill that deer (which I doubt) I'm gonna be alot more cautious in the deer woods!

Edited by gunner1
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If those pictures are unaltered, that is a very big bobcat and a small deer..

If everything is authentic, I think he's big enough to take down a deer that size.

However I think chances are that the deer died from other causes and the cat is taking advantage of a free meal..

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I don't think there's any way that cat killed that deer. Maybe the camera owner found the deer dead and set the camera up to see what showed up to feed. If you look at the date/time of the sequence of pictures, the first picture is actually the second picture. The black and white pic was the following moring. All the leaves look undisturbed as well. All I know is that if that cat WAS able to kill that deer (which I doubt) I'm gonna be alot more cautious in the deer woods!

No offense but your nuts lol..that cat would tear that deer up limb for limb dead or alive..That cat wouldnt have a problem owning that deer that is a HUGEEE cat!!Jus figure ive seen trail cam pics were a coyote killed a deer and that cat is at least 5 times bigger in size strenght weight..

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Food and Feeding

Research in the late 1970s found that white-tailed deer, rabbit, and hare are the most common items in the diet of bobcat in New York. They eat deer more often during the winter than other times of the year and will store or cache carcasses for future use. Deer can be a valuable prey item in areas of deep snow because one carcass can last for several weeks. Opportunistic prey items include birds, squirrels, meadow voles, and road kill.

According to NY DEC they are certainly on their menu. Looking at the second pic, its mouth is open and possibly winded. Add that to the fact that the pics are spaced so far apart, their is no telling what really happened.

But I think you are right the coyotes will clean it up. Bigger question in what shape was the deer in when he arrived to get the pics? Not much info on it to go by.

Edited by Tim Martin
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