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?How is the deer or other game counted in our state.Never realy understood how they calculate the amount of animals in one area.This can't only be done by tags/permits.Just not sure how they can say with accurracy that one area has more than others.

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Frankly I don't believe they can give an accurate count even though they seem to always make some attempt at coming up with their statistical counts. They even publish bucks per square mile stats for those that want to read about that.

Their methods regard some fairly complex statistical formulas and methods that are based on harvest results (which also have some heavy statiscal calculations involved) and other pieces of field data. There are interactive assumptions, factors, historical data, and estimates that all are involved in the final numbers. At least that is what I have gathered from years of partial explanations from various DEC documents and personel.

I have to say that I am very skeptical of any process that has no tangible on-the-ground verification process. It takes a large amount of blind faith to just accept the numbers as being gospel. Particularly when there have been years when huge adjustments had to be made in permits to re-balance some wildly out of control populations. But, they will point to their professional statistical institutions that have audited their processes and found them to be valid. You can take that for whatever it is worth. But if you are still a bit skeptical, understand that you are not alone in that. Something that massive and complicated and with so many different assumptions that are based on so many other assumptions with never a single bit of evidence of success, is a pretty tough deal to swallow.

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probably 50% of the kills are not reported. so it's pure guess work.

Your right in that it's very imperfect but i do think the kill reports is only one of many stats and formulas used in coming up with the #'s. I have no proof but i would think it's not even one of the major tools they use. The DEC is probably pretty aware of the fact that a bunch of hunters never report kills. LOL there's probably 10 formulas to come up with the non-reporting stats. LOL
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Don't quote me on this but I heard from a hunting buddy that the state believes there is roughly 2 million deer or something around there in ny state and something like 30-40 thousand coyotes? If that's the case I have a hard time believing the stats on coyotes. They took out 87 yotes with dogs in a 4 mile stretch where I live 2 yrs ago and now they are back and in force.

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Doesn't the DEC also use hunters who sign up to keep logs of their sighting throughout the season as one of their tools as well? Not sure if this is something they do Statewide or just in my area.

I have been doing the Sighting Log for over 10 years . We are to report deer , turkey , red fox, gray fox , racoon , coyote and grouse . Also the hours hunted and the area where the sightings occured . According to the statement I received , there were 3494 participants in 2010 and the only persons who do the reports are Bow Hunters .

Here is what they sent me over the years .



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Ya, my hunting parner has mentioned it on a few occations but never had time to look into it more. Sounds like a pretty big program that certainly must help the DEC in a bunch of different issues. Maybe this is the year to get on board. Thanks for the info.

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