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It occured to me this weekend how blessed we really are as a group. Not going all "churchy" on you guys, but what an amazing thing we are privileged to experience. Being able to watch the sunrise, and the woods waking up. Seeing all of the animals and watching them totally unaware of your presence. Being able to take game home for the table. Just feeling way down in your soul that you belong out there and everything is right with the world, for just awhile when you are in the woods. These are the reasons that I hunt. I am a christian, but I really don't go to church. I feel so much closer to god in the woods than I ever could in a church. Being out there in nature allows me to breathe, and feel at peace. I don't care if you are religious or not, there is something holy about being in the deer woods on a cold fall morning. It's amazing to me how beautiful it is out there, definitely enough proof of a higher power for me. Outdoorsmen have access to a side of life that many people will never experience and could not even imagine. I'm probably opening myself up to criticism, but just putting it out there. Let's not take it for granted.

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I agree with you. Last weekend was great the 4 of us harvested bucks and had a great time. Monday was the best day in the woods, hardly any wind you heard everything. I sat 2 days straight Sat-Sun all day and never got bored. I love it out there, it is another world, we are lucky!

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Sitting in my stand, with a cool breeze blowing, light snowflakes falling all the while watching/listening to the woods waking up and being smack in the middle of all of God's creations from the littlest annoying spider to the 300lb -10 point buck that's just out of range. I too feel so much closer to God when I'm in the outdoors. Nothing is better than this.

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I hunted all weekend last weekend up north and didn't see a deer and had a great time doing it. having gone through battling leukemia with my youngest son... I have come to realize that the little things matter so little and at the same time matter so much... we have much to be thankful for and little that we should let get us down. God has left a silver lining around everything if we just look hard enough for it..

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Good post Skillet!

You don't need to be a religious fanatic to feel that spiritual connection you mention.

To tell you the truth, it wasn't long ago that religion and God were not very high on my list of priorities. I just never realy felt any hands on experiences I could relate to up to that point.

Over the past 4-5yrs, I've spent an unusualy abnormal amount of time in the woods through every season due to my lack of employment and loss of many of the things that meant the most to me. I've learned a great deal about myself, my environment, and my God durring this time. Sometimes the little things aren't quite so apparent so we're forced to slow down and look closer.

When you take the time to take it all in, you begin to put the pieces together for yourself.. and understand the whole grande scheme of things a little better. The outdoors lifestyle sure is some good medicine for the mind, body, and soul! Enjoy it to the fullest and be thankful you're there to enjoy it every chance you get!

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It occured to me this weekend how blessed we really are as a group. Not going all "churchy" on you guys, but what an amazing thing we are privileged to experience. Being able to watch the sunrise, and the woods waking up. Seeing all of the animals and watching them totally unaware of your presence. Being able to take game home for the table. Just feeling way down in your soul that you belong out there and everything is right with the world, for just awhile when you are in the woods. These are the reasons that I hunt. I am a christian, but I really don't go to church. I feel so much closer to god in the woods than I ever could in a church. Being out there in nature allows me to breathe, and feel at peace. I don't care if you are religious or not, there is something holy about being in the deer woods on a cold fall morning. It's amazing to me how beautiful it is out there, definitely enough proof of a higher power for me. Outdoorsmen have access to a side of life that many people will never experience and could not even imagine. I'm probably opening myself up to criticism, but just putting it out there. Let's not take it for granted.

As hunters we all attend the same church and it's the natural woods. I live on Long Island and when I had to head home from hunting the closer I got to the city the more miserable I started to feel. Like a mild depression. How do you compare the woods with the concrete city.
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