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TC Omega Z5 value?


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I am pretty sure the Z5 only came in the fiberglass stock. A laminated one can be after market. As for TC and a left handed one they don't make it to the best of my knowledge. You would be very lucky to find any lefthanded thumbhole from any manufacturer.

Value 200-300 depending.

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From your search engine that is a different omega from the Z5. The Z5 is the most basic omega, no fluted barrel and a composite stock that is most times called a tupperware stock. People fill them with caulk, lead shot or what ever. My best guess is that your stock on your gun has been swapped out with another TC laminated stock.

I looked back in TC's book a few years and don't see that laminated stock under the Z5 line up. I do see it listed under other Omegas.I don't have the part numbers listed with me at this time. If you click on the Z5 you can see all the models listed..


Edited by sbuff
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Yeah, the TC box is labeled Z5 Omega laminate thumbhole...right on the factory tags. We literally just opened the plastic to the manual this past weekend. The guns not even been touched except for the two of us to look at.

I figured the combo wasn't common...expecially when paired with a blued barrel. This has to be a 2009 or older model because he won it in 2009 sometime.

Edited by phade
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