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Another BS PETA article . . .


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Here is an article on deer-car collisions probably written by a fanatic who is wearing a leather jacket and belt eating a roast beef sandwich - freaking hyocrites.

The article emphasizes that Hunting plays a big role in the collisions. Do your research duma$$es. Did ya forget all about the rutting period where the bucks chase the does across roadways looking for a piece of tail for a good part of November??

Oops! Forgot to post the link: http://www.peta.org/living/Animal-Friendly-Fun/deer-car-collisions-increase-during-hunting-season.aspx

Edited by Deerthug
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Deerthug- you hit it right on the head. during the chasing period the bucks actively chase and the does flee with little regard for car traffic. Deer movement really inclrease during the breeding cycle as a whole. I don't think you would find these published statistics but I have a close friend and a cousin that are State Troopers. They are in different areas and both told me the Friday before the opener the State police broke their all time record for responses to deer struck accidents (before the season opened) That record was broken the Satuday of the opener and broken again on the Sunday of opening weekend. Highest all time weekend reporting of deer struck accidents for a weekend and 3 all time high days. I would be willing that how the opener, rut and traffic for a long holiday week all lined up for the numbers.

Maybe the PETA folks should propose that no one drives their cars during the breeding cycle. Wonder if these tree huggers have ever seen what a big mature buck can do to one of those little hybrids at highway speeds.

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The only reason I found this article is because on my Google homepage I have a widget that gathers news about hunting all over the country and I clicked on the headline not realizing it would take me to their site. BTW I'm a fan of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) :P

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