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Pretty Scary


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OK...being kind here....independent thinking needed...ponder this question..I don't need an answer...though I'm sure you'll have one.....how many "record" Bucks...turkey...raccoon....mnt goats..sheep ect...have died or even shot with out being recorded for all but a small group to see?.....

Not being kind.... for points seem to just fly over heads here...I'll give my personal answer....NOT EVERYONE feels the need to record thier personal trophys for the world to see....not every animal is found dead along side of the road...and every word out of the "proffessionals" mouths are true until found not to be...I hope the point flew low enough

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FACT = My Dad shot the # 2 and # 5 biggest Wolf in British Columbia. Neither of them reached 150lbs........if there are 100lb coyotes running around, its only a matter of time before people start getting eaten by them....not attacked and bitten, im talking eaten.

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Makes me wonder if most of you don't work in little cubicals

Well, yes, some of us do. No disrespect there, Growalot, but maybe you ought to try it? Maybe it would help you see things from a different perspective as well.

From what I can tell here, many of us own property, both in urban and rural areas, yet not too many of us are posting stories of constant crazy shananigans that keep occuring to us over and over. So for us one crazy story from a poster won't get much attention, but post them two, three, or more times, and then we just might pull the BS card on them. I really don't see this as being unfair in the least.

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.if there are 100lb coyotes running around, its only a matter of time before people start getting eaten by them....not attacked and bitten, im talking eaten.

Now whos exaggerating? No one said 100#'s...but I won't call you a liar or say your in lala land ...make fun of you or try to deminish your character just because....YOU EMBELISHED on what was actually being said.....

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Now whos exaggerating? No one said 100#'s...but I won't call you a liar or say your in lala land ...make fun of you or try to deminish your character just because....YOU EMBELISHED on what was actually being said.....

91lbs would be 100lbs soon, right?

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Steve as I've said before nothing I've ever said in an open forum...mind you with specifics... couldn't easily be disputed by the DEC for one... and ppl that and actually know me and post here...or have read the same posts some years ago on other forums....So I really don't care what you personally think...when ppl that actually are out in the woods everyday and by the way I hunt every single day from Oct to the end of season in Dec. and turkey and small game hunt inbetween...such ppl end up having many more varied encounters with both animals and ppl than the average "outdoorsman"

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By the way Biz...I would like to see the pitures....news reports and the record book listing with your fathers pic included and proof that he is actually is your father....just saying...can't be too sure here

LOL! If his mom says that his father is the father, would that be proof enough? Or are you calling his mom a floozy here?? LOL

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I wouldn't call anyones Mom anything ..even in jest....but lets just start requiring these things that some of you are so lofty in requiring from others....proof...as I've said in the past...I post a lot of pictures...because hey.....things don't grow like that...or no one has that many deer or turkey around...deals aren't that good ...hell over the years the list go on and on...

So heres an opportunity for himmake a record book claim...show proof..and not just any proof ...hell anyone can pull a pic off the internet lets see his pic in the avatar...and apic of him and Dad...then news or offical record book listing...he's all ready proven to be an embellisher ...changing 91 to 100#'s ...just saying....

Now How is that shoe fitting on the other foot??

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im on the fence on this one, either way i dont really care it was a good read. You guys are bashing him to harshly. Say something more easy to read like "just post up the pictures of the holes in the wall" or " show some pictures of the buck". Id personally like to see both photos. Would deffinetly make it believeable. But if its fake who cares this kids got good thoughts and could make a good book writer

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Now lets take this step by step...nice Video...but no where do I see proof as to who that is...you must be pretty young if thats your Dad..or it's many years old....Then yes great trophy room...I'll give.... it is your Dads...but really could be anyones and I could not read the plaque...but it's funny...you never mention that being a RECORD BOOK Wolf on that thread....now lets go to the record book....ya...sure I'm going to go out and buy one to prove your right....not!!...and so I could pull up a web and say hey here's a record book and a guides web site...actually...I could reproduce all of that and stick in a video of some young woman shooting what ever and say it was me a few ..well.... several years earlier.....but it's nice you brag your Dad up really

Edited by growalot
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Growalot the video is a few years old....im 27, my Dad is 57. There is a full page article in North American Hunter about my Dad and the 2 wolves he shot, about them being # 2 and # 5 all time in British Columbia, and about how he went on 4 hunts before this and a total of like 30-40 days without ever seeing a wolf. I will take a pic if you would like? Also you can check my posts from this year and see a pic of my Dad and his 7 pointer this year, etc. I got everything you could possibly want to prove it all.........and why is that? ? BECAUSE ITS A TRUTHFUL STORY!

Actually, If you zoom the pic of the mount, you can see the magazine article framed in front of it. The plaque on the rock of the mount says the date, the name of the frozen lake he shot it on, and British Columbia, Canada.

Babine Outfitters is not made up....that must be a joke. They are very well known, especially as one of the best goat guides in the world.

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Im done talking about it....I made my point....dont brag about a 16 pointer and not show a pic, dont brag about 10lb bass and dont show a pic, dont brag about a bullet going through house and not show a link to the article from the newspaper.

I won't respond to this thread anymore........

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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LoL biz...listen...thats all fine and well and as I see the point was lost...but just step back a bit and think of your reaction to someone putting your words in question and you having to search around to prove what you said...how did it feel and what if it was something with out pictures...or what if I pushed and pushed and freeking pushed the issue even though you knew it to be true...Seeing your age...well I have a bit better understanding of why you just wouldn't let the badgering go....ppl go from kids to adults ...back to kids again...which almost explains several things here...

I' m letting this go with the sincere hope that a point was made to several

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