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2 minutes ago, Chef said:

This is ridiculous it was not allowed to have a brand name under EUA or be advertised. It’s the same thing just now has a brand name..

Where do you come up with this shit

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One has liability for Pfizer one does not. It is a honest question as I am sure neither one of us knows the exact formula for either one. It would have been simpler for you just said you didn’t know. You can keep saying the vaccine anyone could get tomorrow is fda approved which is BS. Also the covid vaccines have had a advertisement campaign like no other drug you know the one payed for with tax dollars.

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We are actually getting close it’s why delta cases were going up 50-60% a week and it has now slowed to 10-12.

You will see it drop off big time in the next 3 weeks to a month

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Ok problem solved. Was there a vax surge after the FDA approval?

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Ok problem solved. Was there a vax surge after the FDA approval?

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There has been a uptick for sure… I personally know three people who have gotten shot one since.

Between that and the rapid spread of delta we will her herd soon

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There has been a uptick for sure… I personally know three people who have gotten shot one since.

Between that and the rapid spread of delta we will her herd soon

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Then what? All restrictions go away? If not than this shit is forever. Ive already predicted we will be masking every flu season henceforth

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4 hours ago, Chef said:

Please explain how helping you beat back the pandemic and end this Chinese attack weather intentional or not is ignorant

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People get vax because they don't want to get sick themselves . If you thought for one second that shit you put in you was going to harm you like lots that don't want it think  you would not take it .  I personally don't think its  harmful to me that don't mean others  are going to have that luck with it everyone's  a little different

.   Thought America was a free country you are free to take the vax and free not to take the vax , free to use a mask and free to not use a mask . Gov should only warm of the dangers of this virus , then its up to people to decide like they do with other medical and  heath  decisions i saw a 500 pound guy eat at McDonald's today maybe the gov needs to stop fat people from eating fast food next because it kills more Fatty's then covid ever will .

Taliban took over Afghanistan with no vax no masks  Just saying .starting to wonder who is really free lately. 






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People get vax because they don't want to get sick themselves . If you thought for one second that shit you put in you was going to harm you like lots that don't want it think  you would not take it .  I personally don't think its  harmful to me that don't mean others  are going to have that luck with it everyone's  a little different
.   Thought America was a free country you are free to take the vax and free not to take the vax , free to use a mask and free to not use a mask . Gov should only warm of the dangers of this virus , then its up to people to decide like they do with other medical and  heath  decisions i saw a 500 pound guy eat at McDonald's today maybe the gov needs to stop fat people from eating fast food next because it kills more Fatty's then covid ever will .
Taliban took over Afghanistan with no vax no masks  Just saying .starting to wonder who is really free lately. 

And companies are free to require it for their employees are they not ?

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14 minutes ago, Chef said:

And companies are free to require it for their employees are they not ?

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Well isn't that discrimination?  If you are vaxed  its  not a threat to you ,only to person that's not vaxed  , Will see what the courts decide .

To me its a form of discrimination unless there is science that says different. But then that means vax really does not work .  So why are we being forced to take it ?  


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Well isn't that discrimination?  If you are vaxed  its  not a threat to you ,only to person that's not vaxed  , Will see what the courts decide .
To me its a form of discrimination unless there is science that says different. But then that means vax really does not work .  So why are we being forced to take it ?  

This is where you are wrong. Its only discrimination if it’s something you can’t change. Race,
Religion, gender.

Courts will not even hear these cases it’s been heard all ready at the Supreme Court level and been decided

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2 minutes ago, Chef said:

This is where you are wrong. Its only discrimination if it’s something you can’t change. Race,
Religion, gender.

Courts will not even hear these cases it’s been heard all ready at the Supreme Court level and been decided

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So they can't sue ? Then I guess people are screwed I guess.


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People will have to vote for a change then 

Anyone can file any suit they want. The question is will the courts hear it. My guess is no. It’s long established that employers, schools, businesses can require these things to attend.

This is not a matter of opinion but fact. They have the right to require it and you have the right to not have it and go elsewhere.

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2 minutes ago, Chef said:

Anyone can file any suit they want. The question is will the courts hear it. My guess is now. It’s long established that employers, schools, businesses can require these things to attend.

This is not a matter of opinion but fact. They have the right to require it and you have the right to not have it and go elsewhere.

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But the politicans can change that . That is  why its important to vote these vax nazises  out of office .  And I'm not a anti vaxer  just don't like being forced to put shit in me like that . What are  we farm animals now . 

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But the politicans can change that . That is  why its important to vote these vax nazises  out of office .  And I'm not a anti vaxer  just don't like being forced to put shit in me like that . What are  we farm animals now . 

No they can’t just change something that has already been ruled on by the Supreme Court. These are Constitutional issues


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2 minutes ago, Chef said:

No they can’t just change something that has already been ruled on by the Supreme Court. These are Constitutional issues


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Politician can tax can fine companys can do lots to get them not to make vax mandates . They are the law makers .  


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Politician can tax can fine companys can do lots to get them not to make vax mandates . They are the law makers .  

Again you’re talking a very slippery slope, you wouldn’t want to undo all that’s been done with polio, small pox, measles.

It’s kind of a all or nothing deal not…… oh you don’t like this one so we will only make it apply to covid.

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8 minutes ago, Chef said:

Again you’re talking a very slippery slope, you wouldn’t want to undo all that’s been done with polio, small pox, measles.

It’s kind of a all or nothing deal not…… oh you don’t like this one so we will only make it apply to covid.

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Hey if enough people don't like the mandates politicians will do something to make life misrable  for companys that put them in place  .   Will see what happens next election .  Left already went to far for most people judging from polling didn't take long . Not even media can cover it up .



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15 minutes ago, Chef said:

Again you’re talking a very slippery slope, you wouldn’t want to undo all that’s been done with polio, small pox, measles.

It’s kind of a all or nothing deal not…… oh you don’t like this one so we will only make it apply to covid.

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Why is it a  boss can force you to get a vax while 1 million illegals crossed the border unvaccinated and nobody stoping them ? You are never going to stop covid this way . Most of 3erd world is not vaxed 

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Why is it a  boss can force you to get a vax while 1 million illegals crossed the border unvaccinated and nobody stoping them ? You are never going to stop covid this way . Most of 3erd world is not vaxed 

Again your boss is not forcing you to get vaxed he is simply making it a condition of employment. This is his right. Sounds like you wanna take away his rights to serve your own.

Again you a free to not work there if you don’t want the vaccine this is fact and law.

Ask a lawyer I know there are some on this forum

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1 minute ago, Chef said:

Again your boss is not forcing you to get vaxed he is simply making it a condition of employment. This is his right. Sounds like you wanna take away his rights to serve your own.

Again you a free to not work there if you don’t want the vaccine this is fact and law.

Ask a lawyer I know there are some on this forum

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I told you what is the point when this gov is letting in millions of unvaxed illegals now ?  Just going to piss people off that they will vote in who ever is against this crap and will do something about it .





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48 minutes ago, Chef said:

Again your boss is not forcing you to get vaxed he is simply making it a condition of employment. This is his right. Sounds like you wanna take away his rights to serve your own.

Again you a free to not work there if you don’t want the vaccine this is fact and law.

Ask a lawyer I know there are some on this forum

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Talking about the vax she is trying to say its safe but not really doing a good job . She seems to be not sure like every one else lol 


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12 hours ago, Just Lucky said:

You really do owe a big thank you to your cheeto messiah for getting you the vaccine and helpong you feel safe.

We also owe a big thank you to absent Joe for insuring the hospitals are short staffed. With a vaccine mandate, there will be a larger shortage of hospital staff.



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38 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:



You should tell dems that they all said they would not take it  because it happened fast because of trump figuring out ways to  speed up the process .  And now they want to force it on everyone lol did a 180.

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6 minutes ago, phantom said:

You should tell dems that they all said they would not take it  because it happened fast because of trump figuring out ways to  speed up the process .  And now they want to force it on everyone lol did a 180.

Trump had nothing to do with it other than tooting his own horn for other people's accomplishments after the fact like he did thru out his presidency. When something didn't pan out he was quick to lay blame. He actually wanted to buy the rights for the phizer vaccine. The Germans told him to pound salt. 

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7 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

Trump had nothing to do with it other than tooting his own horn for other people's accomplishments after the fact like he did thru out his presidency. When something didn't pan out he was quick to lay blame. He actually wanted to buy the rights for the phizer vaccine. The Germans told him to pound salt. 

Lol dude your clueless cnn guy right trump russia spy lol  

Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour experts say.

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."


Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.


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