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New Yorkers Need to Step Up

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Albany Democrats are sponsoring legislation that would add a new 55 cent-per-gallon tax on New Yorkers at the gas pump. In addition, this bill would raise the cost of natural gas for residential home heating by 25 percent.


After hiking taxes by $4 billion in this year’s budget, Senate Democrats are looking to make middle-class families pay more at the pump and more for home heating.

Albany Democrats are sponsoring legislation that would add a new 55 cent-per-gallon tax on New Yorkers at the gas pump. In addition, this bill would raise the cost of natural gas for residential home heating by 25 percent. The cost of fuel has escalated in the past year and these new taxes only add to our financial burden.

Join the Fight: Help Stop the Gas Tax! | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov)


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13 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Tried to sign the petition, but it's telling me I need a valid email address? It's my main email, a yahoo address.

I signed it and not sure it took. It required name, e-mail address, and physical address. I am also going to

e-mail her directly and contact my local senator. Her district is right near Albany so you may want to contact you senator as well. Her e-mail address is: [email protected].

If I have it right this your guy: NY Senate District 58 | NY State Senate

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Another thing that may help for in the future is go to this link, create an account, enter your information, and you will be good to go in the future. It may speed up the process and could be why you can't sign the petition w/o being "logged" in

Registration | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov). I f you need anymore help let me know and I will see if I can figure it out.

We have to fight crap like this if possible !!!!

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It might be a mute point: All it is waiting for is Cuomo's Signature

ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — A bill has been passed by the New York State Senate and Assembly that would require 100% of sales of new passenger cars and trucks in the state to be electric by 2035. The bill is sponsored by New York State Senator Pete Harckham (D - 40th District).

Along with sales of new passenger cars and trucks in the state being zero-emissions by 2035, off-road vehicles and equipment would also have to be by 2035 and medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles would have to be by 2045.

NY State Senate Bill S2758 (nysenate.gov)

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this angers me for sure.  And all in the name of climate change....to raise gas prices so people drive less.  Where do we drive - to work, to the store, to the Dr, - Def BS.  I just love where i live and all that i can do hunting and fishing wise.  Can be on the lake or on the hunting spot in 5 minutes. Otherwise i would move for sure.  Money would go a lot farther in another state.  This will just drive out more business and the cost of living goes up for everyone in the state.  

I plan on retiring in 2030 and basically bury my head in the sand.  How are NYs supposed to step up?  when downstate so many people dont even drive and/or support these things - obviously cause they vote these folks in.  Its a losing battle.  Wait til the feds increase thier gas tax as well and welcome to $4 a gallon.  

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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Most of upstate NY's electric grid can barely handle the demand it has now.  How do these idiots in Albany expect it to handle a load increase of 100% or more?  Answer:  They don't think about it.

If they manage to force this on the public, you can expect your electric bills to triple.

Edited by Grouse
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At the risk of sounding redundant; don't forget to take every opportunity to thank your fellow board members here who vote these assholes into office. Green New Deal means lots of green out of your families budgets and straight into their (politicians and their friends) pockets! 

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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