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mouth calling


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Yeah... I do the same... mouth calls are pretty much all I use...I get them at Dick's or Gander...or sometimes even Walmart'

They might last a year or 2 but you have to re-up....after that... The reeds end up sticking together.... then you're done with it.

Best call I ever had was a Quaker Boy Special .....Far as I know they don't make it anymore..... Pisses me off!!! This was one of their best!!! I

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leave them in whole time when not in use. disinfects them,keeps bacteria from breaking down tape freshens your mouth :) and keeps them soft n supple. change mouthwash a needed.. i also keep mine in fridge

You must have given that tip to Tim M? He says they taste great too!!

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Basspro.com has a $5 s/h with no minimum purchase.

Ends 4/15/12.


Ahh - Quaker Boy, Dick Kirby from the Buffalo area. Right?

Good old boys, him and Ray Eye out of Pa.

Watched a lot of their VHS tapes and listened to cassettes when I was getting into turkey hunting.

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