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Looking for Advice for Youth Trail Camera


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A lot of you know that I work with 4-H Youth Development. My Executive Director and I are wanting to pilot a trail cam program for our youth, and I'm looking for suggestions for cameras that are easy to set up, take quality photos, and are easy to retrieve. Now, that wish list obviously isn't exclusive to what we are looking for as I doubt anyone is looking for something that is difficult to set up, takes crap photos that you can't access :)

We're planning on purchasing 4 cameras for this program, and are going to start with them ourselves. I'm going to take a couple, and he's going to take a couple. The way I figure is that if he can work them, our youth shouldn't have much issue :) We're ideally looking for something with cellular capabilities, we'll create a 4-H account on whatever program is needed and then give access to that account to the youth that check them out. 

The goal of the program is to support our Hunting/Wildlife programming by having youth create logs/journals of animal activity. It can be as simple as setting one up at their backyard birdfeeder, or placing one in the woods. 

Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated. As an added ask, if you have any photos from a suggested camera, would you mind sending them my way? I told him I would try to get some samples to show him.


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