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Going to lose a hunting spot


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My son's best friend's Dad has some property on the west side of Canandaigua Lake near the south end . It's thick overgrown vineyards and we have had pretty good luck there . He is going to let someone clear the hill , fence it and grow beef cattle . Sooooo , I gotta hunt it hard this year as I will lose it after that .

I'd like to go there opening day and if I don't cash in , maybe stay overnight so I would be there early in the am the next day . It's 100 mile drive round trip .

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thats not a bad drive tho at all. your talking maybe an hour 1 way? it does suck loosing a hunting spot tho.

No , it's not a bad drive but I stay until almost dark . If I leave then , i'd have to hit the sack as soon as I got home and get up real early the next am to hunt again . I would be farther ahead to stay and sleep in the back of my Subaru and be ready to go the 1st thing in the morning . I would save 3 hours of driving time .

Either that or score the 1st day I hunt there !  :)

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I'd hate to say how many prime spots have been lost over the years because the landowner decided to sell out or build a house or some other kind of action that has left me looking for a new spot. It's hard enough to get hunting permission to start with without having the land changing hands every so many years. That's one of the reasons that I rely primarily on state land. It may be over crowded, but I know that nobody is going to sell it out from under me.


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I lost a great one before I even got to use it. A friend has a 600 acre farm in Dutchess county that has tons of deer. For years he offered to let us hunt there, but we never had a real opportunity. This year, I finally had the chance and asked him if it was okay. Turns out his new wife (who is 30 years his junior!) is also an anti-hunter (the vegetarian variety). DOH! Missed my chance at a near guaranteed deer and lots of geese. Grrr.

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