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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/11 in Posts

  1. The DEC is not going to hassle you as long as you are spotting legally, they just ask to make sure you dont have a gun or bow in the car. Ive had them pull up while Im out before, no BS involved. Other than the past couple of years, I have gone spotting every year. Never once have I even considered shooting one from the car, at night or illegally otherwise. I just enjoy looking at the deer that are around, they dont stay on the same property all the time, especially during the rut. You could have a buck from 3 or more miles away walk by your stand. If you dont like to do it, fine, but saying things like "I have never myself heard of someone spot lighting a deer unless they are jacking it!!" just makes you sound silly. You shouldnt paint with such a broad brush.
    1 point
  2. hahahah...haven't taken the long tour yet I see....
    1 point
  3. Sorry... I didn't realize that you were such an articulate and important young fellow.. Good luck in your hunting and I hope that no one casts any evil light beams over your property..
    1 point
  4. you realize that is without a doubt the dumbest thing i have ever heard?
    1 point
  5. The judge failed you.Justice was mocked.The shooter is a coward. I don't know what I would have done in your shoes but it could have gotten ugly. You and your dad did what was right and the judge didn't.That is a terrible experience you had to witness. The guy who shot your dog needs a brain transplant and an ass kicking.Really sorry about your dog.
    1 point
  6. not sure about better but cva shoots just as well and its alot cheaper
    1 point
  7. HAHA what am i doing now well since you ask i am in the logging work and in due time will own the company i manage (at the age of 22)..I own my house i have everything i need in my life..so thanks for asking..age does mean smarts you all just think that way!!And report to the cops naaa it would take to much time for them to get here i just hope fot their sake they stay off my land idc what their doing!!!Thats y its called MY LAND!!!My fathers has been hunting for over 40 years and he will tell ya that doesnt mean squat!!!
    1 point
  8. Ok Tim... I'll grant you your right to your opinion...However I have my opinion also. How many acres of land do you own ?? I have owned several hundred acres of prime hunting land in my lifetime, and paid many thousands of dollars property tax and never felt "violated" because someone drove down the road and shined a light over it to look at deer.. Where the hell does that mentality come from ??? As long as they aren't stopping and SHOOTING the deer, what is the problem..?..
    1 point
  9. I know i would never have the opportunity to shoot it again.I would consider a 6pt a trophie right now.So i would shoot it and watch the glow on my kids faces when i hung it in my garage and let them take pics with it. Its funny how all these people that have the oportunities bash on the pewople that dont have them.Like they should just let it walk to let the neighbor shoot it and wait around for a bigger one.Hahaha.funny.
    1 point
  10. They don't understand that it's more about the hunt than the kill.
    1 point
  11. Thats what my wife tells me all the time. Gotta love the support at home.
    1 point
  12. I find myself being more selective, but not this weekend! heeheehehehhee! Maybe we just suck at hunting?
    1 point
  13. Why get stuck up on some silly measurements? My suggestion is to just enjoy hunting and be happy with whatever you are lucky enough to get.
    1 point
  14. You know what. . .I was thinking the same thing.
    1 point
  15. What does Walmart hunter mean anyways? I'd prefer the term Target ( pronounced tar-zhay ) Hunter if I had to choose one.
    1 point
  16. Thanks all for yor support. Mr. DeadDeer , I have hunted for over 32 years with a rifle and have harvested a crapload(thats some verbiage used by us WALMART hunters). I have hunted for a dozen+ years with a bow and this little doe was my prize. I'm grateful to god that you have NO problems. I think your social skills are much to be desired. Thank you for your congrats. You could have left the rest out, but, that would mean you would not be able to toot your own HORN. You do not need anybody else, you do a great job of tooting it yourself. It seems that there is an provocateur in every bunch. I was taught that if you do not have a good thing to say keep it your self. I feel that is a lesson we all need to keep in mind. I'm sorry that my tasty doe does not meet your minimum requirement of 130 inches. She met mine and I'm grateful! I have always refused to give in to a bully, and my dear poster that's what you sound like. So fair winds and good hunting my friend. May you find a state to move to that has very few Wallmart hunters and a crapload of Pope and Young Bucks.
    1 point
  17. I have said before " you can not eat a rack". sounds like you do have issues yourself, you are a sad man or person
    1 point
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