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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/11 in all areas

  1. i consider myself a young old coot at 68 years young.. Tell us how old are you. Do you hunt as much today as you did when you were younger? I don't hunt as much as I use to ,but I think that I am a smarter hunter and use my hunting time more wisely. Do you hunt every day? I pick and choose the days I hunt now. When I was younger and still working, I would take the first week off and hunted come hell or high water, everyday no matter the weather, morning to dark. Do you walk in to your stand or do you ride in ?. I walk in to my stand and if I get luckly ,I walk out to my truck and go home and get my ATV and go back to get it., I live a half of mile from where I hunt. What season or seasons do you hunt when deer hunting ? I hunt with bow ,gun and ML. . What other seasons do you hunt? I hunt turkeys and deer only. So if you are an old coot ,tell us about yourself.
    1 point
  2. good luck guys. im hunting 7p tonight. not expecting much with warm weather but its still good to be out in the woods. john
    1 point
  3. Where do you sign up for the deer sniper job?
    1 point
  4. If Honda made a beer I would buy it! If the world ended, the only things that would be left are coyotes, cockroaches and Honda ATV's.
    1 point
  5. I am down to my underwear and if the deer come by now they will laugh themselfs to death.
    1 point
  6. Not a single first light gunshot today.to warm.snow next weekend though. Guna wait to hunt good spots again until then
    1 point
  7. No problem. There's a guy on this forum with 2,000 acres he lets people hunt all the time. Look him up. His user name is: you'vegotasnowball'schanceinhellwithonlyonepost.
    1 point
  8. I agree with this... Too warm... I was in a T-shirt today walking through the woods, too damn hot. I was in the Catskills btw, and its a high elevation area, usually 5 degrees cooler then down the mountain. Deer are not doing anything around here. I only see them once its dark.
    1 point
  9. in my opinion that is a extremely heat stressed deer. that just is running out of fight. remember that winter stress here is the equivlent of summer stress in texas. Also i have shot and watched many deer expire and if anyone says that harvesting an animal with a firearm or bow is worse than what mother nature does. they can come see me.
    1 point
  10. Just woke up from my nap at the base of a tree. This warm weather makes it so comfy to lay down and nap.
    1 point
  11. Been walkin and bumpin all day..took a rest and masticated..been rattlin a bit also..stopped to p in bottle..took 4 steps to top of hill..3doe laughing and whisperin..wasnt cool man
    1 point
  12. Haha...I like this thread ya old fart. ... I say that with the upmost respect. I'm 47,lost my dad at 65yo on 08/08/08....he was my best hunting buddy. Miss him real bad I do.I miss helping him do things,miss picking his mind just for some info on how to fix my kitchen sink.Can't believe I did'nt time out yet...just trying to type this. You old timers mean the world to me. I mean that from the depths of my heart.You have all my respect. I miss helping my Grandpa putting his shirt and what not on, on opening morning,he had " The Burcitus" in the shoulders......and years later after he had passed,Dad had RA real bad.....the swollen joints were so bad it was all he could do just to pick a rifle up. But he went on as far as he could. You old timers just keep on doing what you can,never let a young buck tell you ya can't and keep on swingin! Love you guys.
    1 point
  13. I would like be able to say something like , yeah I got a deer but it was only a 12 point that score just over 170 and only weighed 220 pounds field dressed . Yeah , what a disappointment !
    1 point
  14. Good thing it wasn't an estrus wafer !
    1 point
  15. This is what blows my mind with the DEC. The above is supposedly illegal, but it's perfectly legal to plant food plots all over your property to feed the deer throughout the winter (turnips, winter wheat, etc.)
    1 point
  16. In the 15+ yrs. I've been bowhunting I only have had 1 mature buck come into my scent bomb.( He is now hanging on the wall in the office) I have had numerous scrub bucks come into it. I believe being as scent free as you can and not leaving any scent out is the way to go. All it takes is for a mature buck to bust a hunter using scent 1 time and he is now educated. This goes for grunt calls, estrous bleets ect... Once educated, good luck trying to bring them in.
    1 point
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